Ellen Page, Mark Ruffalo, Daryl Hannah protest Alberta oil sand pipelines

Hollywood stars Ellen Page, Mark Ruffalo, and Daryl Hannah are protesting pipelines from Alberta's oil sands to the B.C. coast.

The trio offered their written support on Tuesday to the Defend Our Coast sit-in organized by Greenpeace Canada, which will take place at the B.C. legislature in Victoria on Monday. the event is being organized in order to pressure Prime Minister Stephen Harper and B.C. Premier Christy Clark to oppose the environmentally unsound projects.

"We stand in solidarity with our northern neighbours who are gathering in Victoria to defend the coast and wisely oppose the equally toxic and destructive threat that is the Enbridge Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline," Hannah said in a written statement issued by Greenpeace.

The 51-year-old "Kill Bill" star was arrested earlier this month in Texas for blocking the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which will carry crude oil from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.

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Ruffalo, who appeared as the Hulk in "The Avengers," released a statement in which he called the pipelines an "outdated and antiquated fossil fuel paradigm that continues to trample First Nation and land owner rights and destroy fresh water, fresh air and farm land."

Meanwhile, Page, who was born in Halifax, tweeted yesterday, "So we are all clear the 'pipeline' from Canada comes from the tarsands. Its destroying the environment & first nation communities. #debate"

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Canadian actors Pamela Anderson, Peter Keleghan and Tantoo Cardinal have also given their support to the cause, along with filmmaker Michael Moore.

According to Greenpeace, more than 3,500 people will be participating in the protest.