Did Lindsay Lohan Drive Chaka Khan Out of Rehab?

Ain't nobody gonna disrespect Chaka Khan in rehab … especially not Lindsay Lohan!

According to Radar Online, however, that's exactly what happened.

Radar reports that the R&B legend was checked into the same rehab facility this summer, Cliffside Malibu, as the troubled young actress, but left early because she "couldn't stand LiLo's diva behavior!"

A source who attended rehab with Lohan and Chaka told the site that the "I'm Every Woman" singer was extremely put off by "The Canyons" actress's "disruptive" behavior. "Chaka was really cool about everything at Cliffside, but Lindsay just pushed all of her buttons to the point where she was aggravated and tired of Lindsay's s--t," the source said.

"Lindsay was just doing stupid stuff for attention, so Chaka told her she was childish and told her to grow up. She never lost it, but started yelling at Lindsay. Told her to knock it off, asking her if she came to rehab to get well, or just to piss around."

Things reportedly got so bad that the program's schedule had to be rearranged so that the two never found themselves together.

But take Radar Online's report with a grain of salt. The Twitter exchange that took place between the two women today tells a very different story.