Bob Barker enters private Alta. zoo fray

Animal rights crusader Bob Barker is wading into the debate about a private Alberta zoo.

The former host of the game show The Price Is Right is urging Albertans to contact their MLA's to express concern about the fate of animals at Guzoo Animal Farm.

On June 1 the province told owner Lynn Gustafson he had one week to close down his business, which is near Three Hills, Alta.

But the order to close the private zoo only applies to its exotic animals. Barker said he is worried about the welfare of animals on the property that are not classed as controlled species.

''I have now learned that this decision provides no protection for many of the animals since they are not covered under the zoo permit and I fear that they will be left behind to suffer," said Barker in a written release.

Gustafson is fighting to keep the zoo open, with the support of the mayors of the towns of Three Hills and Beiseker.

Earlier this week Gustafson said the zoo is a place of worship for the protection of animals, in a bid to put the facility outside provincial jurisdiction.