The East Coast braces for one of its strongest storms of the winter

Get your snow-clearing equipment ready, Atlantic Canada, as another major storm puts the region in its crosshairs this week.

After significant snow blasted Newfoundland over the weekend, eyes are focused on the next East Coast system -- a storm that could be one of the strongest lows of the season. Snowfall warnings and special weather statements already line all of Atlantic Canada.

A brewing nor'easter will bring heavy, wet snow and strong winds to parts of Atlantic Canada mid-week, but the forecast will prove to be a rather tricky one.

Baron - ATL pressure tracker - March 13
Baron - ATL pressure tracker - March 13

Temperatures will oscillate above and below the freezing mark during this storm event, contributing to a messy mix of precipitation of rain and snow. But when it does snow, it will be very wet and heavy

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Snow is forecast to develop in southern New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Tuesday afternoon, and spread northward and eastward into P.E.I. in the evening. Snow will persist through Wednesday for parts of the region. Snow may become mixed with rain in Nova Scotia Tuesday overnight through Wednesday.

Heavy snow will target eastern Newfoundland Thursday and linger into Friday.

MUST SEE: Science behind the weather: The infamous nor'easter

There is still some uncertainty in the snowfall forecast, but Charlottetown, P.E.I., Moncton, N.B., and Sydney, N.S., look to be in the bull’s-eye of the heaviest snow. Cape Breton Island could see as much as __30-60 cm of snow, with 20-40 cm possible for eastern New Brunswick and 20-30 cm for parts of P.E.I.

Lower snowfall amounts are expected for mainland Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy shores as rain or mixed precipitation is expected to fall when temperatures rise.


The heavy, wet snow will make for accumulations that will stick to tree branches and power lines, which could contribute to power outages. Travel issues are likely, as well, with high snowfall rates and gusty northeast winds.

WATCH: Maritimers brace for a nor'easter: Who will see the worst of the storm

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Thumbnail courtesy of Bill Berry, taken in Sydney River, N.S.

Keep checking back to The Weather Network for more forecast information and updates for Atlantic Canada.