Broadway singers from Modesto coming home for shows. Who and where to see them

The return of three home-grown entertainers, Morgan James, Jeremy Stolle and Effie Passero, will kick off the new year for Modesto region entertainment. James and Stolle have performed on Broadway. They make up just some of the entertainment planned Jan. 6-12.

Stolle and Passero

Two former Modestans, Jeremy Stolle, who starred in “Phantom of the Opera” on Broadway, and Effie Passero, of “American Idol” and Postmodern Jukebox fame, will perform together at the State Theatre. Their “Singing Outside the Box” concert is presented by Opera Modesto. Pianist Jordan Williams will perform as well.

WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 10

WHERE: State Theatre, 1307 J St., Modesto

TICKETS: $30-$60


Morgan James returns to Modesto for a show at the Gallo Center.
Morgan James returns to Modesto for a show at the Gallo Center.

Morgan James

Johansen High School graduate Morgan James also brings her talent back home to the Gallo Center. The Juilliard-trained singer, actress, songwriter and recording artist was in five original Broadway companies: “The Addams Family,” “Wonderland,” “Godspell” and “Motown: The Musical,” and as a guest in Kristin Chenoweth’s “For the Girls.” James and her band will perform a jazz-infused concert of music from Broadway and her recordings.

WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 12

WHERE: Gallo Center for the Arts, 1000 I St., Modesto

TICKETS: $39-$59


John-McCutcheon will return for a benefit concert in Modesto.
John-McCutcheon will return for a benefit concert in Modesto.

John McCutcheon

Six-time Grammy-nominated folk musician John McCutcheon returns to perform in his 21st benefit concert for the Modesto Peace/Life Center at the Modesto Church of the Brethren. His annual fundraiser is a one-man show that features story and song. McCutcheon plays a number of instruments including the hammered dulcimer, guitar, banjo, keys and harmonica.

WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 9

WHERE: Modesto Church of the Brethren, 2301 Woodland Ave., Modesto

TICKETS: $10-$28


Shen Yun

Shen Yun returns for two shows at the Gallo Center for the Arts. “Combining the expressivity and athleticism of classical Chinese dance with an East-West live orchestra and innovative backdrops, Shen Yun is being hailed as a breakthrough in performing arts,” according to the Gallo Center website.

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 8-9

WHERE: Gallo Center for the Arts, 1000 I St., Modesto

TICKETS: $80-$200


Murder mystery game

Opera Modesto presents “The Adventure of the Horrible Horticulturalist,” inspired by “Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Fallen Giant” (a mashup of Sherlock Holmes and Jack & the Beanstalk). Written by local author, Hillari DeSchane, the show at the State Theatre is set in 1934 when a murder takes place in front of the audience, who will participate in solving the mystery. There will be finger food, desserts, wine and sparkling wine.

WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 12

WHERE: State Theatre, 1307 J St., Modesto


ONLINE: Purchase tickets at