Burglary suspect caught ‘pretending to be solar panel’ on Wandsworth roof

NPAS tweeted pictures of the bungled getaway attempt (NPAS)
NPAS tweeted pictures of the bungled getaway attempt (NPAS)

A suspected burglar was arrested after thermal cameras quickly saw through his bungling attempt to camouflage himself as a solar panel.

The hapless suspect was quickly caught by a National Police Air Service (NPAS) helicopter’s thermal imaging camera lying completely still on a solar panel atop of a row of shops in Upper Tooting Road, Wandsworth on April 14.

NPAS tweeted an infra-red image of the bungled getaway attempt, adding: “Another burglary suspect located by us attempting to hide on a roof in @MPSWandsworth.

“** Friendly advice for any burglars that use Twitter ** Pretending to be solar panel on a roof will not fool us or our camera!!…, you’re welcome!”

Mocking the suspect, the social team added: “They’ll never find me if I just lay here and pretend I’m a solar panel! Wrong!!”

Police arrest suspect after failed attempt at solar panel disguise (@NPASLondon)
Police arrest suspect after failed attempt at solar panel disguise (@NPASLondon)

A NPAS spokeswoman said: “Our London helicopter crew was deployed at 0149hrs to assist Metropolitan Police officers in the search for a burglary suspect in the Upper Tooting Road area of London.

“The male suspect was quickly located on the roof of a building.

“His location was relayed to officers on the ground, who detained the suspect.”

“Total flying time was 13 minutes.”

It came as police in the West Midlands issued a warning after £100,000 worth of solar panels were reported stolen from solar farms.

Follow @NPASLondon on Twitter for more pictures.

Scotland Yard has been approached for further comment.