CA senator: After the senseless killing of Lauri Ann Carleton, let’s find common ground | Opinion

In the state’s quiet, picturesque town of Cedar Glen, a simple clothing store, Mag.Pi, was the focus of a heinous act of violence. On Friday, August 18, a man arrived at Mag.Pi, and the life of store-owner Laura Ann “Lauri” Carleton was abruptly ended. According to accounts of that day, this act was perpetrated with vicious purposes.

Mag.Pi was a labor of love for Lauri, who was well-known within the community. Her journey in fashion began as a teenager in her family’s business, Fred Segal, in Los Angeles. After graduating from the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, she spent over 15 years as an executive at Kenneth Cole. In 2013, she realized her dream by opening Mag.pi on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City. Her venture’s success led to the opening of a second store in Cedar Glen in 2021.


Lauri was not just a store owner, she was also a loving mother of nine, a wife to her husband, Bort, and an advocate in the community. She was the heart and soul of her store, and her success in the community wasn’t solely due to her fashion expertise, but rather to her genuine passions and upstanding character.

To her friends and the community, Lauri represented more than her store — she was an advocate. Matthew Clevenger, a member of the Lake Arrowhead LGBTQ+ community, said that Lauri championed individuality and authenticity, standing firm for acceptance.

When Mag.Pi opened its doors in 2021, Lauri displayed a Pride flag at the store. The flag was repeatedly vandalized and torn down multiple times. Undeterred, Lauri always rehung the flag each time it was taken down.

Lauri was a contributor to the Lake Arrowhead LGBTQ+ community and an enthusiastic participant in their Pride boat parade. Her commitment to individuality, authenticity and acceptance was unmistakable. Mag.Pi itself featured a dedicated Pride section showcasing rainbow-colored products.

Mag.Pi and Lauri’s acts in support for the LGBTQ+ community was an expression of our Constitutional free speech. While we may not agree with every manifestation of free speech, it is every American’s right to exercise this liberty.

Tragically, the situation escalated beyond the removal of the Pride Flag. Lauri’s senseless death was an act of violence that can only be described as abhorrent.

We find ourselves in a time marked by contention. Too frequently, violence takes the place of civil discourse and reasoned debate. The prevailing trend of vilifying those who hold differing viewpoints is a perilous approach that can lead to tragic outcomes.

In recent times, we have all seen this trend of vilification become the rule rather than the exception. Rather than rely on debating facts and holding ourselves to a high standard of decorum, the go-to strategy is hostility toward others, rather than discussing the merit of the ideas they profess.

Lauri’s death was unnecessary and tragic. It was spurned by hate. This is absolutely unacceptable. We must all take care to temper what we see around us and take the time to truly get to know one another.

Let us honor Lauri’s memory by rejecting violence as a means of resolution. In the face of adversity, let her legacy inspire us to find common ground and embrace the power of respectful dialogue and understanding in order to help foster a “more perfect union.” Our children deserve it.

California State Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh represents the 23rd Senate District, which includes portions of Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties. She is the first Republican Latina state senator in California’s history.