Calgary children raise their voices about childhood cancer

Calgary children raise their voices about childhood cancer

Children from Calgary and across Alberta are being asked to raise their voices and join children from around the world to make a song about cancer.

The song was written by the same composers behind Disney's hit movie Frozen.

One of the singers is lilyana El-hajjar — she was diagnosed with cancer at age 6 — and hospital treatments forced her to miss most of grade 2.

Parents of the now 7-year-old hope she is on her way to recovery.

"She's doing awesome. She's a very strong girl," said her mother, Sue El-Hajjar, "She asked me what's the song about and I said it's to help others and to show them that you can do it."

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lilyana's dad says her daughter feels connected to a larger community of children going through something similar.

"[The song] helps them feel strong enough they can make it through anything." said Abe El-Hajjar.

Christine McIver, CEO of Kids Cancer Care, says the sing will raise awareness about the prevalence of childhood cancer and connect children from all over the world.

"Just to know that you're not alone in this battle is so important," said McIver.

Those who want to sing along can go online and upload a song via iTunes or Spotify before February 8th. The song "We Are One" will be released the following Monday, which is International Childhood Cancer day.

Groups from 90 countries around the world are expected to join the chorus.

The goal is to have 1 million children join in the song.

We Are One

"We are young

We are strong

And we will sing this song together, so sing along

And as one, we will rise

We won't give up this fight,

until the night yields to the sun

We are one"