Calgary high school teacher's sex assault trial delayed by defence application

Jason Selby was a teacher at Western Canada High School when he initiated a relationship with a 17-year-old former student, according to her testimony at his sexual assault trial. The pair first had sex weeks after she graduated, she says. (Western Canada High School website - image credit)
Jason Selby was a teacher at Western Canada High School when he initiated a relationship with a 17-year-old former student, according to her testimony at his sexual assault trial. The pair first had sex weeks after she graduated, she says. (Western Canada High School website - image credit)

The trial for a Calgary teacher charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation has been delayed after the defence brought new information before the judge.

Jason Selby, 38, used to teach at Western Canada High School.

On Wednesday, his lawyer Alain Hepner was supposed to cross-examine the complainant who testified last week, but he told the judge he'd received an email over the weekend from a former student at Western.

Justice Sean Dunnigan then ordered that the case proceed in-camera. He will make a ruling connected to those closed-door proceedings in October.

Court heard last week that Selby was 33 years old when he began a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old former student.

A publication ban protects the young woman's identity. CBC News is calling her Amy.

Last week Amy testified that she and Selby had sex a couple weeks after she graduated.

The age of consent in Canada is 16 years old, unless one of the parties is in a position of trust or authority over the other.

A previous court ruling connected to the case shows Selby's lawyer plans to "demonstrate that the relationship between the parties was not exploitative and that there existed no power imbalance in favour of the accused."

Selby is no longer teaching.

The trial will resume in November.