Candidate for NC agriculture commissioner, GOP’s Colby Hammonds, answers our questions

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Name: Colby Hammonds

Political party: Republican

Age as of March 5, 2024: 52

Campaign website and/or social media links:

Current occupation: Farmer

Professional experience: Farmer, Retired Army Colonel, Financial Manager

Education: BS degree in Animal Science from NC State University, master’s degree in Trust & Wealth Management from Campbell University, master’s degree in Business Administration from NC State University, Graduate Certificate in Marketing from NCSU, Master of Strategic Studies from U.S. Army War College

What offices have you run for or held before? Have you had any other notable government or civic involvement?

I have never run for any political office.

What do you think is the biggest issue in North Carolina that you would be able to shape if elected?

As the commissioner of agriculture for North Carolina, my objective will be:

  • to promote agricultural policies that promote consumer awareness of packaging, labeling and local market goods availability.

  • producers’ access to real-time data on consumer needs and market trends.

  • a greater understanding of “buying local,” which means developing a relationship with the producers to match your family’s meals with what items are naturally in season at any given time.

What do you think is or is not working well under the current office holder? If not, how would you change it?

Steve Troxler’s 20 years in office raise concerns about his connections to “big pharma” and petroleum-based farming policies. Decisions like the COVID-related agriculture stoppage and the expensive $107 million office building may not reflect North Carolina producers’ and consumers’ needs. I have no such ties, advocate for term limits, and prioritize the well-being of producers and consumers over corporate interests.

Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal use?

I strongly advocate for legalizing medical-grade marijuana in North Carolina. From personal experience, I’ve seen its benefits: Cannabidiol (CBD) significantly aided my own children’s autism symptoms.

Given its potential in treating conditions like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, among others, legalizing medical marijuana is a step towards compassionate health care. It’s not just a personal issue but a broader call for health and wellness.

Would you allow Confederate veterans’ groups to have a presence at the State Fair?

As a native of North Carolina and a proud member of the Lumbee Tribe, I believe in promoting inclusivity and free speech in our community. Allowing Confederate veterans’ groups at the State Fair is about respecting diverse perspectives and fostering an open dialogue, much like supporting organizations like Black Lives Matter.

Let’s embrace our state’s history while working towards a more inclusive future. Open dialogue can be done without preaching hate or harmful speech.

What should be done to address staff vacancies in your agency?

Effective leadership must confront issues head-on. Rather than maintaining 30 personnel slots with only seven filled at a time, it’s wise to reduce positions, trim federal regulations and raise base pay to ensure a livable wage.

This approach minimizes employee turnover, enhances service quality for consumers and transforms positions into meaningful careers rather than mere stepping stones. For example, some North Carolina forest rangers can’t afford to live in the county they are assigned to serve.

Is there an issue on which you disagree with your party? What is your position on that issue?

I disagree with the NC Republican Party Platform Article I, Family, paragraph 2: “Traditional marriage and family, marriage is between one man and one woman.”

With over 33 years of military service, I have worked with some honorable gay and lesbian service members. I’ve witnessed their love and devotion to their country and families. There are too many kids in foster care today that need a loving family and many good examples of same-sex parents that have provided loving homes/families to kids.