Candidate for NC District Court Judge District 10A, Cindy Kenney, answers our questions
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Name: Cindy Kenney
District/seat: District 10A, Seat 3 (Wake County)
Political party: Democrat
Age as of March 5, 2024: 62
Campaign website:
Current occupation: District Court Judge
Professional experience: Two years, District Court Judge; 22 years, prosecutor in district, juvenile, child support and superior courts; Assistant County Attorney in Durham in juvenile courts; private criminal defense and civil practice; Legal Consultant with NC Department of Commerce; Past Member: Governor’s Task Force-Child Abuse; Human Trafficking Task Force; CA-MDT + SART. Past faculty/panelist: the Conference of District Attorneys; Chamber of Commerce Leadership, W-F; N.C. DHHR; N.C. GAL; N.C. Justice Academy and U.S. Attorneys; N.C. Prevent Child Abuse.
Education: JD from UNC-Chapel Hill; BS, Industrial Relations, with minor in Economics from UNC-Chapel Hill
What areas of the law do you have experience in, as a judge or attorney?
Criminal, civil litigation, appellate, corporate counsel, government/public interest, family law and labor/employment.
What is your judicial philosophy?
Fairness governs first. Each case is unique, requiring a fair finding of the facts, a fair and just application of the law, and a thoughtfully rendered order to bring about a fair resolution and to serve as a catalyst for lasting positive change.
Tell us about a specific event in your legal career of which you are most proud.
Fortunately there are too many. I am proud to have helped so many people, children and families in my career. Every one as important as the last. My chosen career path has focused on being part of the solution. From helping broken families find justice and heal, working with parties in criminal courts to find solutions that bring about justice and change, to serving on task forces in identifying necessary changes to better serve our citizens, I’ve taken great satisfaction with it all — equally.
To what extent should judges be allowed to share their thoughts on political issues in public?
Judges are public servants and should not be political figures. We are mandated and duty-bound to serve the law, the Constitution and all citizens honestly, fairly, and with integrity.