Carolyn Wiger reveals unseen 'gushing blood' injury on Survivor

Carolyn Wiger reveals unseen 'gushing blood' injury on Survivor

From the very first few seconds of Survivor 44, we knew we were in for something special. That's because those first few seconds of the season were of centered around a colorful character by the name of Carolyn Wiger.

While Carolyn established herself as a big personality right off the bat with her wild gesticulating and even wilder yelps and screams (accompanied by a collection of fantastic facial expressions), what players and viewers alike did not realize at first is that Carolyn was also a big player. Carolyn found the key that led her to the birdcage idol. Not only was she the only member of her tribe that was not suspected of retrieving it, but Carolyn also then came up with her X-marks-the-spot plan to trick another player into mistakenly believing she had a real immunity idol.

And she wasn't done. Carolyn got Josh Wilder to tell her all about his idol, while still keeping hers a secret, and then flipped the script to send her biggest island enemy home. Make no mistake: This Felicia got game!

And with the game now hitting the "mergatory" stage of the season — where players all join up on the same beach and compete to make the merge — we were able to catch up with Carolyn for this exclusive mid-game interview. Not only does the 35-year-old drug counselor from Minnesota explain the genesis of her stick X plan and talk about her highest and lowest moments so far, but she also reveals a painful injury that never made it to TV and takes us inside her journey from addiction to a reality TV star. Sit back and soak up the Carolyn Wiger experience!

Carolyn Wiger from SURVIVOR Season 44.
Carolyn Wiger from SURVIVOR Season 44.

Robert Voets/CBS Carolyn Wiger

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, what was it like to make it past the three-tribe portion of the game, on the precipice of the merge?

CAROLYN WIGER: OMG OMG OMG! I'M HERE! I am well aware that I am the definition of what most would consider "the typical first boot." I was terrified coming into the game, but seeing Maryanne gave me hope that people who are different from the norm can play this game, too! These small tribes are scary, but what's even scarier is trying to blend in when there is zero chance of that happening.

What's something interesting that happened in the pre-merge portion of the game that never made it to TV? 

Okay, so once again, Yam Yam's snoring was keeping me up. I could not sleep, so I said "Screw it, I'm sleeping in the boat!" So I head to the boat and fall asleep. I get woken up in the middle of the night by Yam Yam wanting to talk. Well, hello! It's dark as heck out there and he scared the crap outta me! All of a sudden a paddle falls right on my face causing my lips to just start gushing blood. So anyways, I blame my constant lip licking on Yam Yam. He's the one who messed them up.

Survivor 44
Survivor 44

Robert Voets/CBS Carolyn Wiger

Did you really think the stick Xs and the fake idol would actually work, and was part of you secretly bummed that Sarah did not try to play it before she was voted out?

YES! OF COURSE I DID! I had complete faith in the X. In season 41, we saw Sydney wake up to a beware advantage plopped right beside her head. In season 42, we saw Hai completely cover himself in fake blood. Now here we are in the middle of the jungle with a rusty old birdcage. I didn't think twice about these bizarre X's and I have Jeff, production, and the new era to thank for that.

We had this map of the island at camp, and it reminded me of some sort of treasure map. There was an X on the map and my brain just started spinning and the X was born. I originally placed the X and the idol right next to Sarah while she was sleeping, but she kept kicking it in her sleep. At one point she almost kicked it into the fire! Sarah and I weren't working together in the game, so obviously I was thrilled that she found it! To be honest, the game part of me would have loved seeing Sarah play it, but the human part of me would feel like, "Ahhhhhhhhhh."

What was your favorite moment you experienced this season leading up to the merge?

The first few days at Tika we were ALL always together! I was so sick of us all doing everything together! Myself and Yam Yam knew we needed to get Carson on our side to take out Helen, but it was so hard to have those individual conversations.

Yam Yam, Carson, and I finally getting together to secure our plans for that first vote had to be one of my favorite moments because it gave me security and enabled me not to have to play my idol. I truly was so scared that Tribal and I remember just being so stinkin' proud of myself after. Also, it was a special moment as we bonded over all being quirky outcasts, and even named our alliance the Three Stooges.

Survivor 44
Survivor 44

Robert Voets/CBS Carolyn Wiger, Brandon Cottom, and Danny Massa

What was your lowest moment leading up to the merge?

Lowest moment for me was the journey. I was so excited to go on that journey! Like come on! I am a huge fan! Just being able to experience that OMG! Like, being starving and now I get to dig into this food AND I get to meet two new people who I can hopefully work with! I WAS SO EXCITED! And then, yep. You saw it. The end. All jokes aside. That crushed me. I cried so much that night, but thankfully I had Yam and Josh, who comforted me, because I was a wreck.

How do you think your past in terms of getting sober and becoming a drug counselor prepared you for the extreme living situation of Survivor?

Here's the deal. If I would have held my emotions in, then I would have died inside out there. When I got sober, I didn't know who the heck I was. I only knew who I didn't want to be! I remember dying my hair dark brown and only wearing black. I wanted to be "serious Carolyn." That phase didn't last long.

Through my journey of self-discovery and healing, I was able to accept and love the person that I am. I learned how to open up and share my feelings no matter how uncomfortable it made me. I learned how to be a good person — a person I am proud of and my family is proud of.  I believe that above the game, WE ARE HUMAN FIRST! I value the relationships and bonds that I have with people.

I knew I wouldn't be loved by everyone, whether that be fans or my tribe. But I promise you that there is nothing that anyone can say about me that is any worse than what I told myself when I was actively addicted. My life prepared me, but I also view the game a little differently. There is no ONE WAY TO PLAY! WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! LET ME LIVE! LET ME PLAY!

Survivor 44
Survivor 44

Robert Voets/CBS Yamil "Yam Yam" Arocho, Carolyn Wiger, Sarah Wade, and Carson Garrett

How do you think the Tika tribe dynamics and alliances and success in challenges changes if Bruce is not medically evacuated on day 1?

Well, first of all, I don't think we would have lost so much. Bruce was a beast!! YES! Absolutely everything changes if Bruce wasn't gone day 1. I connected with Bruce right away. He is someone I could just be real with and he was real right back. Bruce was busy bossing everyone around at camp as we built the shelter. I knew I wanted to work with Bruce, so on our first walk to the water well I told him he was giving Rocksroy vibes. I told him he was coming off as the leader and a boss. He told me that his wife specifically told him not to do this and I remember saying, "BRUCE, LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE!" Bruce is a great person and I know he, Yam Yam, and I would have linked up.

What has it been like watching yourself on TV and what does your son have to say about it?

I love it! What you see is what you get. I could do without the close-ups of the zits on my neck, but overall, it's been a blast! My son, my partner, mom, dad, sisters, and brother are enjoying every second of this. No one is shocked by what they see because I am just being me and it's a beautiful thing to be. I was so nervous about my son seeing me struggle in challenges, but he doesn't care about that. He understands that this game isn't all about physical strength and winning challenges! Hearing him tell me I am playing well and he's proud means the world to me.

Finally, who's Felicia now?

Easy. It's Branny. Brandon and Danny.

This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.

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