Caesars Windsor casino can reopen at half capacity on July 16

Caesars Windsor will be able to reopen its casino and food services on July 16, after spending much of the last 15 months closed due to the pandemic. (Chris Ensing/CBC - image credit)
Caesars Windsor will be able to reopen its casino and food services on July 16, after spending much of the last 15 months closed due to the pandemic. (Chris Ensing/CBC - image credit)

With Ontario entering Step 3 of its reopening plan on July 16, Caesars Windsor can open at half capacity and accommodate 2,500 casino patrons.

Six hundred of the 2,200 unionized workers will be able to return to work, although there's been no word yet from the casino on its reopening plans.

Caesars Windsor has been shut through much of the pandemic, except for a brief period, that started in the first third of 2020.

Dave Cassidy, president of Unifor Local 444, which represents casino staff, says 300 are already back training and more are returning this week.

He's happy about the move to reopen, but feels the facility is safe enough to work at full tilt.

"This is a little disappointing still that we can't [open fully] based on our numbers in Windsor Essex County," he said, referring to the pandemic lows in COVID-19 case numbers in the southwestern Ontario region.

"I still believe that we have to have the regional approach."

Dale Molnar/CBC
Dale Molnar/CBC

He said being able to have gaming tables open is a "huge win," but added that the casino has put up Plexiglas and made the facility safe enough for a full reopening.

"The casino has really done their due diligence as far as making it safe for both the employees and the patrons."

He vows to continue to lobby the province so the casino will be able to open fully.

Cassidy said some of the food services inside the casino, such as Neros Steakhouse, will also be able to reopen and welcome back management personnel.

Cassidy isn't sure if the casino will open as it is able to at 12:01 a.m. ET on July 16.

CBC has reached out to Caesars Windsor for comment, but hasn't received a response.