Child sex abuse allegation being investigated at city care centre

City of Ottawa officials informed council in a memo Monday that the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa is investigating an abuse allegation involving the Dr. Ernest Couture Child Care Centre. (Joseph Tunney/CBC - image credit)
City of Ottawa officials informed council in a memo Monday that the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa is investigating an abuse allegation involving the Dr. Ernest Couture Child Care Centre. (Joseph Tunney/CBC - image credit)

The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa is investigating an abuse allegation at a municipal child care centre, city officials say.

The allegation is "sexual in nature," according to a Tuesday memo to council from Clara Freire, the city's general manager of community and social services.

The allegation was shared directly with the Ottawa Police Service (OPS), Freire wrote, and the city does not have any further details.

It involves the city-run Dr. Ernest Couture Child Care Centre, which provides care to children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years.

"The City is fully cooperating with the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa on this matter and remains committed to ensuring the ongoing safety of children at the Centre," Freire said.

The employee in question was immediately removed and is now on investigatory leave, the city said.

Staff and family members were informed Tuesday and provided with a direct contact for additional support as required.

The city also submitted a serious occurrence report with Ontario's Ministry of Education, Freire said.

CBC Ottawa reached out to OPS and the city late Tuesday but did not immediately hear back.