Chip Roy is right: Narcissist Donald Trump is making us Republicans look like fools | Opinion

Reality MAGA needs to see

Thank you, Nicole Russell, for your Dec. 21 column, “Trump blasted Texas lawmaker, but he made one big mistake.” (11A) Donald Trump’s attack on a fellow Republican such as Rep. Chip Roy of Austin was not just ill-timed. As Russell noted, even MAGA fans need to wake up to the fact that “Trump is a total narcissist, with thin skin, robust ego, takes every criticism personally, and nothing is his fault.“

Those are words I will quote when given the chance. I will add that Trump is a traitor to his country and the oath he took to protect the Constitution. We Republicans can do better, and we must. Trump is making us look like fools.

- Betsy Allaire, North Richland Hills

Let people vote for their choice

Democrats are constantly telling the American people that Republicans are destroying our democracy. Yet four Democratic judges in Colorado and a Democratic official in Maine are trying to do just that by taking away the privilege to vote for the candidate millions support, Donald Trump. I trust that our Supreme Court will see this for what it is.

- Sandra Lewis, Joshua

Immigration is an issue for Texas

The Star-Telegram Editorial Board attempts to convince its readers that immigration control is solely a federal function and suggests that state leaders should take a hands-off approach to it. (Dec. 24, 4C, “Texas law isn’t the fix we need for illegal immigration”) For many years, they did. But the sheer number of people flooding into Texas and the do-nothing attitude of Washington have finally forced the issue to a head.

For the second year in a row, the number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border surpassed 2 million. The numbers are so large that hardened criminals and terrorists can get through. Housing, feeding and employing so many people is impossible, leading to inhumane conditions. Texas leaders must step into the gap left by President Joe Biden.

- David Patterson, Fort Worth

Solve problems where they are

Since 1848, there has been a border between Texas and Mexico, and for much of that time people came and went as they wanted. Today, there is a great outcry about a crisis on our southern border. The problem does not start at the border and cannot be fixed there. It is a great humanitarian problem throughout the Americas and the world.

We are more connected than ever, and we need a plan to help our Latin American neighbors develop. Invite our neighboring countries to be part of the solution and create a humanitarian, environmental, global opportunity to develop Latin America into a safer, healthier, thriving and sustainable place to live.

- Phil Sawyer, Fort Worth

Abbott is doing right on border

I am pleased with the border law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott. When you are not getting help from anyone and your state is being flooded by those breaking the law when entering, something has to be done. President Joe Biden is looking the other way because he wants future Democratic voters. Biden allows this unfair mess and leaves Texas no other options. Blame the president, not the governor.

- Fred Myers, Austin

Less is not more for garbage days

Arlington leaders will rue the day they decided to reduce trash collection from two days a week to one. I predict that Arlington homeowners, especially senior citizens, will become increasingly angry when they face the hassle of moving and storing giant, unwieldy containers when the system of twice-weekly collection with modest size containers worked fine.

This is just another example of the city touting reduced services and calling them an improvement.

- Mac Bernd, Arlington