Chris Pincher appeal against suspension dismissed by parliament watchdog

Tory MP Chris Pincher has lost his appeal against an eight-week suspension from the Commons following groping allegations made against him.

The Commons Standards Committee announced the sanction in July following an investigation into the claims and whether the former deputy chief whip caused "significant damage to the reputation of the House" - a breach of the members' code.

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Mr Pincher - who resigned from Boris Johnson's government over the allegations last summer - did not appeal against the breach, but argued to the Independent Expert Panel (IEP) that the punishment was disproportionate.

However, in today's report, the IEP said his arguments were "misconceived or erroneous", adding: "The sanction is far from being arbitrary or disproportionate."

Mr Pincher resigned as deputy chief whip in June 2022 after reports he had he groped two men while drinking at the Carlton Club in central London, and was later suspended by the Conservative Party. He has since confirmed he will not seek to stand again at the next election.

His departure is touted by many as the reason for Mr Johnson's exit from Downing Street, as numerous ministers turned against him after reports the then-PM knew about other claims relating to Mr Pincher's behaviour.

An investigation by Commons Standards Committee gave details of the Carlton Club allegations against the Tamworth MP, with a House of Lords employee saying Mr Pincher had stroked his neck and squeezed his bottom.

The second complainant - a civil servant - said he touched his bottom before moving his hand to touch and squeeze his testicles.

The watchdog said Mr Pincher's conduct had been "completely inappropriate, profoundly damaging to the individuals concerned, and represented an abuse of power", and that his actions would "significantly impact public perception of the House and its members".

As a result, it recommended the hefty suspension, which is enough to trigger a recall petition in his constituency - and could in turn lead to a by-election.

Mr Pincher told the investigation that he did not remember the events that took place that evening, but apologised to all parties involved.

However, he confirmed in July that he would appeal the sanction, claiming the incidents had happened when he was in the club in a personal capacity - having been invited to speak at an event there earlier in the evening - and denied his behaviour had caused significant damage to the reputation of the House and its members.

He also claimed there were "inconsistencies, anomalies and gaps in the evidence" which he argued "don't present a complete picture".

In its report released on Monday morning, the IEP - which handles appeals - said there could be "no doubt that what happened that night was a matter of public behaviour and part of the public life of the appellant".

The panel rejected Mr Pincher's claim that the incidents only damaged his own reputation and Mr Johnson's, rather than the whole of the House, calling it "misconceived", adding: "Indeed, if taken at face value, it is simply naive and unrealistic.

"Although the government and the prime minister of the day were undoubtedly damaged reputationally by this affair, which precipitated the resignation of the prime minister, it is obvious in our view that this added to the current declined reputation of members generally."

They also rejected Mr Pincher's argument about the intent of his actions, saying while it was "possible that he was too drunk to form such a conscious plan... he will have been completely accustomed to his position of authority and influence, and when drunk, is very likely to have taken his status and his influence for granted".

MPs will now have to approve the sanction in the Commons before the suspension takes place and a recall petition is launched.

Sky News has contacted Mr Pincher for a statement.