Chris Skidmore is everything that is wrong with the Tories

Chris Skidmore MP
Chris Skidmore MP

Here’s a bright idea: if an MP insists on calling a by-election, they have to pay for it out of their own pocket.

Chris Skidmore has announced he’s quitting Parliament in protest at Rishi Sunak watering down net zero, forcing a poll in a seat that’s due to be abolished at the general election – so the winner will hold it for less than a year. The cost to the taxpayer of this epic flounce has been estimated at £250,000. That’s enough to pay for almost 10 junior doctors to emigrate to Australia.

Cynics assume Skidmore’s got a better job offer and couldn’t be bothered with another year of replying to letters about the bins. True or not, it is worth noting that being green is no longer the preserve of modest librarians called Willow. In 2023, Skidmore was receiving annual payments totalling £160,000 working for the eco-friendly Emissions Capture Company and the Global Insight Exchange.

Let’s assume, though, that he really is horrified by Sunak’s U-turn and the biblical floods of Gloucestershire. Skiddy’s reasoning still doesn’t make any sense. Last month Britain became the first rich country to cut its emissions in half. Skidmore has specifically resigned over the granting of new oil and gas licenses in the North Sea, yet there’s evidence that domestic supply is cleaner than imports.

The notion that Britain has some God-ordained mission to impoverish itself in order to make a tiny impact upon global emissions is mad, and very middle class, for it assumes consumers have the cash to splash on home renovations.

Every generation has its elite consensus, from economic planning in the 1960s to “save fuel, hang witches” in the 1660s. Skidmore’s problem is that he’s committed to a religion just as it’s going out of style.

The rest of us are paying the price for David Cameron’s invitation, in the late noughties, to anyone to run as a Tory MP, so long as they shared his vague values. This should have resulted in a greater diversity of background and opinion. Instead, it led to a lot of people being selected in 2010 who had scant loyalty to conservatism but were attracted to Cameron’s patrician style and took his generation’s Blairite ethic as axiomatic.

Elected that year were Skidmore, Sarah Wollaston, Anna Soubry, Phillip Lee, Rory Stewart and more – a list of would-be wets, bolters and defectors. Party managers require two things from parliamentary candidates: discipline and ideological coherence. The Conservatives sacrificed both in pursuit of being “nice”. As the Government now collapses into bitterness and recrimination, it looks nastier than ever.

Brexit re-inserted a healthy bit of nationalism into the Tory ranks, but the long-term consequence of Cameronian selection is a significant body of Tory MPs who think to the Left of the Conservative ecosystem.

Skidmore, unusually for his cohort, was until recently regarded as a solid loyalist; he even served under Liz Truss. But last year he suddenly warned that his party was headed in a “very dark direction”, attacking this newspaper and GB News.

It tallied with earlier comments that Tory members don’t care about net-zero targets because “90 per cent of them will be dead”. “I am a liberal Conservative,” he explained in November, as if the formula were an “open sesame” to people’s hearts: an MP who “came in under David Cameron” and hasn’t changed at all. He’s right about this much. It is the leadership that has moved to the Right, because Britain has moved on.

Take net zero. In an age of low prices, it’s a very attractive idea, but in the midst of a cost of living crisis, many voters can no longer afford the absurd pace set by Boris – so Sunak has slowed (not stopped) the agenda.

The PM is generally starting to look more pro-consumer than expected, and it could be a vote-winner. But he faces a basic structural challenge: thanks to wet MPs, his majority is sometimes conservative in name only.

The Rwanda plan, for instance, will continue to be undermined by the courts because Tory MPs won’t vote to revise the human rights laws. Perhaps in this sense Skidmore is temperamentally conservative: he represents an older political generation restraining the ambitions of the present, like Cnut standing on the beach, yelling “stop!”

Except he’s not even doing that, is he? In his resignation letter, Skidmore wrote: “To fail to act, rather than merely speak out, is to tolerate a status quo that cannot be sustained. I am therefore resigning my whip and instead intend to be free from any party-political allegiance.”

But Chris, old dear, you can do all that and stay in Parliament simply by sitting as an independent! Or, if you insist on having your silly by-election, you could run in it. Contrast with the behaviour of Robert Jenrick, who gave up his ministry and perks, but not his party or constituents; compare with those Tories with tiny majorities who, knowing defeat is inevitable, stay on and face it. Instead, Skidmore sails off early on the Tewkesbury tide.

What example is that to set to our children? He should do what I’ve always done when I find myself stuck in a job I don’t enjoy. Just do it badly.

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