New city manager introduced

THUNDER BAY — It's day one for the city's new manager, John Collin.

As outgoing city manager Norm Gale handed over his office to Collin on Monday morning, Gale said he's confident in his replacement's ability to take on the job.

"I don't think he needs advice from me," Gale said.

"He impresses me so far as an affable, intelligent and hardworking kind of person. With those attributes, he's going to be fine."

Collin said there's enormous potential for the city and he is looking to harness that.

"You don't wave a magic wand and growth magically appears. You need to work with the community . . . (and) the community partners. You need to work with the businesses. You need to work with the other levels of government and as a consolidated team putting effort behind it, then you can start to focus on growth.

"There is a trend in Canada right now of people leaving the large metropolitan areas and going to cities more along the size of Thunder Bay. Let's take advantage of that, but it's going to be a team effort to get there right now."

Collin thanked Gale for his service to the city.

"I know how demanding, complex and difficult - at times frustrating at times rewarding - it can be and for him to have done this for eight years in the City of Thunder Bay is exceptional. That needs to be recognized."

Monday, June 24 will be Gale's last city council meeting after eight years in the role, and Collin's first with the City of Thunder Bay.

Katie Nicholls, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter,