Clerk-treasurer awarded for enduring 'stormy years'

Gillies Township's chief administrator, who stuck it out as the municipality endured some of the most tumultuous times in memory, including threats, has been honoured by a professional association of her peers.
Clerk-treasurer Laura Bruni was earlier this month given a nod by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) for her "commitment to the activities of (her) zone, or to the advancement of the municipal profession within (her) local community."
"We believe (the Zone 9 award) is a tremendous accomplishment, and should be observed with pride by your municipality," association president David Arbuckle said in the letter to the township.
Bruni was hired by Gillies Township in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saddled small municipalities with extra work.
She remained as the township's manager as it dealt with occasional threats from irate ratepayers, and rode the waves of a controversial 2023 budget that saw taxes soar due to operational cost increases.
The municipality, which restricted access to its township office in the wake of the threats, has returned to in-person council meetings with a security presence.
Gillies Reeve Wendy Wright said the association's complimentary letter about Bruni was to be included on the agenda at Monday's council meeting.
"We are very proud that Laura received recognition, especially from her peers who understand the difficulties that come with the job," Wright said.
Wright added: "It's unfortunate not everyone sees how hard municipal staff work; however, this award shows a camaraderie within (the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario), and council wholeheartedly agrees they made a perfect choice."
Gillies resident Kathy McGowan, who has sometimes been critical of how the township has been run, nevertheless gave praise to Bruni.
"Laura deserves every penny of her salary and then some," McGowan said.
"I feel she should get public recognition for this outstanding accomplishment, and for staying in her post during these stormy years to help guide this town."
"Most people have no clue the overwhelming responsibility of the clerk-treasurer job," McGowan said.
The Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario has nine zones across the province. Bruni received her award on June 11 at an association dinner in the Town of Blue Mountains in southern Ontario. The group has approximately 2,200 members.

Carl Clutchey, Local Journalism Initiative reporter, The Chronicle-Journal