Climate activists attack Walmart heiress’s $300m superyacht in Ibiza

Activists from environmental group Futuro Vegetal sprayed paint on a superyacht owned by Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie which was docked in Ibiza on Sunday 16 July 2023 (Futuro Vegetal/Instagram)
Activists from environmental group Futuro Vegetal sprayed paint on a superyacht owned by Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie which was docked in Ibiza on Sunday 16 July 2023 (Futuro Vegetal/Instagram)

Climate activists have attacked a superyacht belonging to Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie, spraying red and black paint across the stern.

The vessel was vandalised on Sunday in Ibiza by members of the Spain-based environmental group Futuro Vegetal.

Two activists were photographed holding a sign that read: “You Consume Others Suffer”.

A crew member can be seen behind them hosing the paint off the side of the boat.

Both of the demonstrators were arrested.

The group posted images and videos of the attack on Instagram, writing: “The only reason we continue to maintain an economic system that leads us to eco-social collapse is to sustain the privileges of this small privileged class.”

“The mega-rich live off the suffering of others. It is the people who are at the top of the social pyramid who put all life on the planet at their service, forcing us to work to sustain their system, exploiting animals and destroying the territory no matter how much suffering and death it implies.”

Just two days before, the group had also sprayed a private jet with black and yellow paint.

Ms Laurie, the owner of the yacht, inherited a stake in Walmart in 1995 from her father, Bud Walton, who with his brother built the brand into the retail empire it is today.

According to Forbes, Ms Laurie is worth approximately $8.7bn.

Her yacht, “Kaos”, is worth $300m and is 361 feet long with four decks, accommodation for 31 guests and a 45-person crew.

Featuring full spa facilities, an aquarium and a cinema, there are also separate gyms for guests and crew and a small hospital for onboard emergencies.