Coach of North Texas girls’ softball team faces charge of sexual solicitation of a minor

The 54-year-old coach of a Grapevine youth softball team has been arrested and faces a charge of online solicitation of a child under the age of 14, according to Tarrant County jail and court records.

Stan Howard Kappus, whose LinkedIn says he is the founder of Texas Truth Fastpitch softball, was arrested by Colleyville police on Monday.

Colleyville police declined to release any other information surrounding his arrest, saying the investigation is ongoing.

According to online records, Texas Truth Fastpitch is a team out of Grapevine for girls 12 years and younger.

It is unclear if the charge against Kappus stems from any alleged interactions with team members.

He was being held Thursday in the Tarrant County Jail with bond set at $10,000.

An attorney for Kappus could not be reached by the Star-Telegram for comment Thursday afternoon.