Convicted felon Donald Trump doesn’t represent the values of our war veterans | Opinion

Trump doesn’t represent Veterans

“Why Donald Trump Likely Has Strong Grounds For Appeal” May 31, (modesto bee)

I am wondering why veterans are supporting Donald Trump. This man, as our former president, refused to go to France on Memorial Day to honor American soldiers at Flanders Field. He called John McCain, “a loser”! Someone who disrespects the people who have and continue to defend our country and the world’s freedom should not be our next leader. Please honor the many who have fought and died to keep us free and safe. Consider someone else to represent us.

May Remsing


Be smart about choosing developments

“One San Jose tiny home shelter is successfully moving people to housing. Can it be a model for other sites?” May 29 (modesto bee)

I do not like the new suburban and strip mall developments. We ought to learn a lesson from the

Rust Belt and realize that these development types, to remain fiscally solvent for both developers and the city, need constant population growth to sustain itself. If a city’s population either plateaus or plummets, these developments start becoming a loss and the city starts going bankrupt. These developments are also ecologically damaging! For one they make cars the only viable option to get around, which increases greenhouse gas emissions and they flatten considerably more farmland and wildlife just to house significantly fewer people than say, if an apartment complex was built.

If this city is anywhere close to being interested in its long term future then it needs to encourage more dense developments.

Reilly Lee
