Coronation Street star Noah Olaoye responds to new character Gav arrival

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Coronation Street newcomer Noah Olaoye has dropped some hints on what viewers can expect from Max Turner's pal Gav.

The soap returned to Max's story this week to examine what life has been like for the teenager in prison, following his radicalisation in the far-right extremism group last year.

In Friday's episode (May 5), viewers saw Max was still struggling in prison, but he was trying to make friends with fellow student Gav.

gav adetiba, coronation street

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In teasing what's ahead for Gav, new cast member Noah Olaoye revealed: "Gav is a lovable rogue. He is not a bully, he is not someone who throws his weight around; he is genuinely a likeable guy but he does have a screw loose so there is that side to him where people are afraid of him but not because he will push people around the classroom but because he is going to do something slightly unhinged if you get on his wrong side.

"He is a nice guy but don’t mess with him."

It was natural for Max to be drawn to Gav because, as Noah puts it, the newcomer is essentially "the unofficial head boy" of their class.

"People acknowledge Gav as ‘the guy’, and you don't mess with Gav otherwise you are going to have a problem," the actor said. "He is not an authoritative figure, just his presence and his aura alone let people know you don’t mess with him."

max turner,gav adetiba, coronation street

Noah also touched on why Gav might connect with Max, explaining: "Gav is a nice guy and if he sees someone who is being taken advantage of and someone who is not being treated well, he will stick up for them. It’s not that he feels sorry for Max but he tells the others that there is no need to pick on this lad.

"When they get to know each other and they converse a lot more, there is a genuine friendship there and they share a lot of similarities and they get on quite well. Gav just sees a friend in Max, especially in a place like the STC where it can be quite lonely and there is a lot of bravado around. It's nice seeing this relationship form between the two lads and there is a respect for each other."

A budding friendship would also give both teens someone to depend on — which is exactly what they need as they try to rebuild their lives.

"Every friendship will have its ups and downs and I think we will see that with Gav and Max," he said. "There will be a lot of trouble-making and I think Max is just trying to do his time in the STC and get through it whereas Gav’s attitude is 'I might as well have fun while I am here!' Max will definitely tell Gav to chill out!

gav adetiba, max turner, coronation street

"They are similar in some respects but quite different in that regard; Max is trying to keep a level head and Gav is trying to cure his boredom. It’s a very interesting friendship and I am excited to see how people will receive it."

Asked whether the kids will bring out the best in each other, Noah answered: "I think they will, definitely as their relationship progresses and the more they get to know about each other. There is a lot of common ground between them and they promise to help each other when they both get out. It’s a very beautiful bond that they both develop."

Behind the scenes, Noah admitted he was thrilled to get a chance to work with Max actor Paddy Bever following the latter's National Television Award win.

"Honestly, I am not going to lie to you, before I got this job, I stalked everybody," he recalled. "When I saw that Paddy had won a National Television Award I was like, 'No pressure then!'

gav adetiba, coronation street
Paddy Bever at The Inside Soap Awards 2022Mike Marsland / WireImage - Getty Images

"But meeting Paddy on the first day, he was so lovely and he is a joy to work with. I get lost around the building every single day but Paddy is always there to tell me where I need to go. He is so easy to work with, he is a very nice guy and I really enjoy working with him."

The actor recalled that he was actually at Huddersfield train station when he received the fateful call confirming he'd been cast in Corrie.

"I remember after the conversation finished, I just stood at the train station for about five minutes trying to take it all in," he remembered. "From the moment I heard the news and then being here on set, I have really enjoyed every single second of it and just to be part of one of the most iconic shows of all time, just to walk up and down the cobbles, just bumping in to Jack P Shepherd in the canteen… those moments have really been a massive experience for me."

Noah added: "I think everybody has watched Coronation Street in their lifetime. I used to watch it sporadically with my mum growing up so I know the Barlows, I know the Platts, I know the Rovers. It’s such an iconic programme and even if you don’t watch it, you know what happens."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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