Coronation Street star Sue Nicholls on death fears for Audrey in Stephen story

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Coronation Street airs a long-awaited confrontation in Wednesday's episode (October 11) as Audrey Roberts quizzes Stephen Reid over his shameful decision to steal from her.

Audrey receives a nasty shock when her granddaughter Sarah Barlow finally tips her off about the equity that Stephen stole from her house a few months ago.

As Audrey heads over to demand answers from Stephen, the rest of the Platts do further digging and realise that their relative is under suspicion for more sinister crimes. Has Audrey walked straight into a dangerous situation?

Here, Sue Nicholls – who plays Audrey – previews the big episode.

audrey roberts, stephen reid, coronation street

Has Audrey had any doubts about Stephen?

"No, she hasn't had any doubts about him at all. That is what is so hard for her when she's hearing all these things that he has supposedly done. She's so wrapped up with being so proud of him. She has been caught up in the fact that he has led such a glamorous life and she has boasted about him to everyone.

"How can she possibly believe what people are saying about him? But she has to listen to what Sarah is saying about the equity in the house. It is very upsetting for Audrey as this is the second time her family have conned her out of money."

What happens when Audrey goes to confront Stephen in Wednesday's episode?

"She arrives at the flat to confront him about the house money and discovers Stephen and Peter arguing. Peter has clearly attacked Stephen. Although she is angry with Stephen herself, she has no idea why Peter is attacking him. If she hadn't got there, I am sure Peter would have killed him.

"Audrey hears Peter being very aggressive to Stephen, and in typical Audrey fashion, she tells him to shut up. Stephen is relieved she turned up, but then she makes it very clear she has come for answers and knows about the money."

How does Audrey feel when Stephen tries to turn it around on her – blaming her for putting him up for adoption?

"She is shocked. He says that he has always felt abandoned and has always felt the need to prove himself. Audrey tries to explain, but those words are going to really hit her hard in the coming weeks.

"Stephen has been very cruel, knowing what he has done and that the truth will come out about that, and knowing that he has landed all that guilt on his mother. But she is determined to make him hear her out and she won't allow him to leave the flat."

audrey roberts, stephen reid, peter barlow, coronation street

Audrey blocks Stephen's way out of the flat. Does she realise the danger she is potentially putting herself in?

"No, she just thinks he has conned her out of her money – she doesn't know he has killed people. Stephen is her son and she wants answers from him about why he stole from her.

"Of course, what she doesn't know is that the family are now looking for her as they have discovered about the murders and everyone is very frightened for her safety. What they find when they break into the flat makes them even more worried for her safety and they call the police."

How was it to film these scenes with Todd Boyce, who played Stephen?

"It was wonderful as he is such a joy to work with. It was a moment that needed to happen. Audrey needs to know what sort of person her son is, but when she eventually finds out about the extent of what he has done, she really behaves in a very strange way. She knows what he has done, but he has got into her head and she feels as though she is responsible."

Will Audrey go into denial about what Stephen has done?

"Yes, we will see her start to lash out a bit and blame others for his actions. That deflection is how she is coping with what her son has done. The alternative is that she blames herself and that is just too much for her to deal with.

"The family are incredibly worried about her because her reactions are irrational. She is on the attack with everybody. She is even sticking up for him despite what he has done to her."

stephen reid, audrey roberts, coronation street

If Stephen is caught by the police, would Audrey visit him in prison?

"Oh, without a doubt, she would be there every week without fail. That would be partly based around her guilt. She is his mother, she feels she has let him down before and she never wants to let him down again. She will stick up for him and try to justify what he has done.

"Her reaction is going to cause her problems with the rest of her family. It is wonderfully complex and it is true to life if she goes to visit him – you see these mothers that blindly support their offspring no matter what they have done.

"To be honest, you get the sense that if he manages to escape and disappear, she would be happy about that."

It's no secret that this is Stephen's final week. Are you going to miss working with Todd?

"Oh, of course I am going to miss him, we miss having him around already. I absolutely loved working with him. I love Todd – and I have to say, I have a lot of love for Stephen! I've got to say I can't not love Stephen!

"Todd's a joy, he's delightful. He has worked so hard and he has had so many days full of long scenes – he has put his all into creating this character. I think it's been wonderful.

"I've been lucky, because I've had a very, very good story, beautifully written. I know I'll miss him and I'm going to have to stay in touch with him because I have known him for such a very long time."

How do you think Stephen compares to other Corrie villains?

"Each villain has been so different and each of them were right for their time. I worked on the Richard Hillman storyline and that was so over the top and fantastic and the story was brilliant.

"This one has also been done so well. It takes brilliant actors to portray these sort of characters, and it doesn't matter how outrageous the stories are, the viewers love them and so do I.

"People remember villains, they are stories and characters that stand out from the ordinary. I remember the reaction to Alan Bradley, played by my wonderful husband Mark, people loved to hate him. He was almost a starter for all the ones that have come along since.

"People talk about villains long after they have gone and that is credit to the actors who bring them to life. We always get the right people and it was the right decision to go down that road with Stephen. What is sad is that once you know someone is a villain, you also know that they will have to go."

gail rodwell, sarah barlow, elaine jones and david platt in coronation street

Have you worried about this story being the end for Audrey?

"Yes I did, I think we all thought that we could be at risk. Actually, I still think that what has happened with Stephen could see Audrey off – we are all only on one-year contracts, so you never know.

"The aftermath of what happens this week and the confrontation with Stephen does have a profound effect on Audrey, she is a victim in many respects and how will she cope with that?"

Have you also liked that the story involves the whole community?

"I do love that feeling of everyone being involved. The cast is very big these days, so I don't often get to work with a lot of them and particularly in the past few years we have all been very much with our immediate group of characters.

"I have never had scenes with Chris Gascoyne [who plays Peter] before, ever. I loved working with him on this storyline. It is interesting to work with someone new, you get a different energy from the scene."

Could the events of this week make the Platt family stronger?

"I am interested to know what will happen and how they are going to respond to Audrey's reaction to his crimes. Audrey is bewildered. The family know that Stephen is the baddie and the fact that his mother is not on that wavelength is a real worry to them, especially with everything that has happened with her over the past couple of years.

"They could lecture her and try to make her see sense but actually they know that isn't going to help."

gail rodwell in coronation street

Even though it's not their fault, is there any shame within the family over their connection to Stephen?

"Yes, I think there is. His actions have affected so many people. David is very good at dealing with that and won't let people bad mouth the family. Gail is going to try and keep a low profile. And let's not forget dear Tim is still missing and whilst that is the case people are going to be looking to the Platts for answers too."

How have the public been reacting to this story?

"Some people are still telling me Stephen is up to no good and Audrey should see him for what he is. The people I know best when I go shopping in Sainsburys tell me to be careful and I assure them that I am being.

"I think they will be very worried this week. I have been telling them to keep watching as his behaviour is going to get very worrying. The funny thing is that Todd started shopping there too and they tell me 'your son has been in'. I always assure them that he is adorable in real life.

"They are very kind and I never give anything away as that would ruin it. What is so lovely about it is the public are talking about it and that is what we want.

"A villain like Stephen elevates it and gets people engaged so I know they will be gripped this week and worried about Audrey and they should be worried, finding out the truth is not going to end well for her!"

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