Coronation Street's Stephen Reid finally caught out but there's a twist

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Stephen Reid has finally been caught out in Coronation Street, but still might not face justice.

In Monday's (August 28) episode, his niece Sarah Barlow found proof that Stephen had stolen money from Audrey's equity line after speaking to his ex-wife Gabrielle.

The discovery came about after Tim Metcalfe warned Sarah that she shouldn't trust her uncle — and revealed Stephen had lied to former fiancée Elaine about being coercively controlled by his former spouse Gabrielle.

stephen, sarah barlow, coronation street

Related: Coronation Street star Todd Boyce teases Stephen and Jenny romance

Sarah secretly called up Gabrielle to confront her with the coercive control allegations, only for Gabrielle to laugh off the accusations and warn her that Stephen has no loyalty to his family.

At the same time, a letter had turned up from the bank informing Audrey that money had been removed from her equity line. Audrey and Gail were confused over how it happened, but Sarah knew right away it must have been Stephen.

Sarah eventually confronted Stephen at the factory, warning him that she was aware he'd stolen money from Audrey and lied about his ex-wife's controlling abuse.

Stephen was left scrambling, as he begged Sarah not to tell Audrey the truth. He promised he'd be able to pay the money back as soon as the sale of Nippersnapper had gone through.

The killer was left hanging momentarily until Sarah approached him at the Rovers with a decision over whether she would turn him in.

stephen, sarah barlow, coronation street

"I'll keep quiet but you pay her back, every penny you took," Sarah demanded. "I'm not doing this to save your skin, I'm doing this for gran. It would kill her if she knew."

However, she put her uncle on notice: "You've shown me your true colours now and I will never believe another word you say. Ever!"

The episode left off with Stephen deeply unsettled by Sarah's warning. With a possible exit having recently been filmed, are we finally on the verge of Stephen facing justice?

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

Read more Coronation Street spoilers on our dedicated homepage.

Organisations including Women's Aid can provide further support and information on coercive control or coercive behaviour.

Other organisations including The Mankind Initiative ( provide support and advice to men experiencing domestic abuse or coercive control. The helpline is open weekdays between 10am and 4pm, is 01823 334244.

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