Councillor wants Rushton’s Corners assessed

After two more accidents on consecutive days reported by the Chatham-Kent Police – and a near miss posted on social media – East Kent Councillor John Wright has seen enough.

The Ward 3 representative entered a notice of motion at Chatham-Kent Council’s June 24 meeting requesting a road safety assessment be conducted in Rushton’s Corners at the intersection of Ridge Line and Kent Bridge Road.

“Over the years, I know I’ve been out there 80-some times ... 13 times in one year,” said the Councillor, owner of John & Kori Wright Towing in Highgate. “It’s a high crash corner.”

Wright said people ignoring the stop signs on Kent Bridge Road is the primary cause of collisions.

The area’s layout is also a factor, with the bend on Ridge Line for eastbound traffic and the uphill slope for southbound traffic on Kent Bridge Road.

Wright said the installation of flashing red lights has helped, but the ripple strips in the road for traffic on Kent Bridge Road have been paved over.

“Staff needs to do something,” Wright said. “It’s been brought to them before, but nothing’s been done.”

“Everyone knows there’s a problem, but local folks are getting hurt,” Wright declared.

Possible solutions include turning the intersection into a four-way stop, installing traffic signals or redesigning the area for a roundabout.

A petition echoing Wright’s quest for the municipality to conduct a road safety assessment of the intersection is going around town.

The petition is available in the Ridgetown Independent News office.

Residents have already filled eight pages with their signatures.

Wright will bring the petition to the Monday, July 15 meeting along with his motion, which will be up for discussion and voting.

Chatham-Kent Emergency Services responded to collisions on June 14 and 15 – both during daylight hours.

Two people were injured, and one driver was charged in the June 14 crash.

This was at least the second time in 2024 there have been collisions on back-to-back days at this intersection.

Another driver posted on social media they had to take evasive action after a northbound vehicle on Kent Bridge Road pulled out in front of them on June 22.

Ridge Line is a thorough roadway, and stop signs are posted on Kent Bridge Road.

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent is currently preparing to reconstruct the intersection of Queen’s Line and Merlin Road—another site of numerous fatal and major accidents—into a roundabout.

Residents who want the municipality to change Rushton’s Corners are urged to drop into the Independent News office and sign the petition.

Michael Bennett, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Ridgetown Independent News