COVID-19 outbreak reported among staff at Charlotte community resource center

Dozens of staff members at the new Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center in Charlotte have contracted COVID-19.

The center, which opened on Wednesday at 3205 Freedom Drive, offers healthcare services, along with veterans services, food and nutrition services, child support services, and pre-K education.

According to an email obtained by Channel 9’s Joe Bruno, Mecklenburg County Manager Dena Diorio told county leaders that there was a cluster of COVID-19 cases at the new resource center.

“As of this morning, there were a total of 43 staff who have reported being sick, and 26 were confirmed as COVID-positive,” Diorio stated in the message. “Some of these staff are not stationed at EBS-CRC but have been working at or visiting the facility during opening week.”

Diorio said all program areas are still offering support, except for veterans services.

The resource center will continue to operate “as long as required staffing levels can be maintained,” Diorio said.

The county has started standard daily cleaning protocols and plans to have “additional thorough cleaning later this weekend.”