‘Daily Show’ Drags Viral AI Photos for Helping Trump ‘Win Over Black Voters Without Having to Meet Any’ | Video

During “The Daily Show” segment “Indecision 2024” on Tuesdsay, correspondent-turned-guest host Ronny Chieng laid into a series of viral AI-generated images of Donald Trump showing him smiling and hanging out with groups of Black people.

“Donald Trump finally made some Black friends,” Chieng said as he opened the section of the show. After discussing Krysten Sinema’s decision to not run for re-election, he served Trump a roast session, first pointing out the former president’s and 2024 Republican nominee’s failure to nail down the Black vote in 2020.

“In 2020, Trump only got 12% of the Black vote. But this year, polls show that he could double that number. And now there might be a way for him to win over Black voters without actually having to meet any,” Chieng began.

He then pivoted to a clip of BBC News breaking down how the AI images were created by Trump supporters in an effort to target Black voters. CNN had a report on the matter, as well. After the clips were over, Chieng went in.


“Wow, it took the most cutting-edge technology to get Trump to hang out with six Black guys. This is outrageous,” Chieng said. “You’re telling me I’ve been wasting my time building real friendships with Black people, aka, African Americans, when the whole time, I could have just used AI and gotten the same number of likes?”

He then joked that he “can’t believe these photos would actually swing some voters” before being swayed himself by an AI image of Trump hanging out with a group of Asians.

“I’m not going to vote for Trump just because I saw a picture of him with a bunch of Asian guys,” Chieng said before the fake image appeared onscreen. “Although, they do look like they’re having fun. I wonder what they’re talking about. Damn, maybe it does help a little.”

Cheing concluded his gag by explaining that there are a few key ways to know if a photo is real.

“I know people are worried about misinformation, but it’s pretty easy to tell if a picture of Donald Trump is AI-generated,” he began. “Here’s the trick: If Donald Trump is in a picture and looks completely insane, then it’s a real picture.”


While Black voters aren’t necessarily taking Trump’s side this time around in the Trump-Biden presidential showdown, there are more Black voters who are unsure of whom to vote for. A focus group of undecided Black voters in North Carolina shared both candidates aren’t measuring up to what they’d like in a commander-in-chief. However, they are more willing to go with Biden over Trump due to 45’s troubled past in the Oval Office.

“I feel like it’s a lesser of two evils,” group member Candice D. said “It’s either a politician who is making attempts to do things for the entire country, or someone who’s just about themselves or their party, their particular party and their people.”

The post ‘Daily Show’ Drags Viral AI Photos for Helping Trump ‘Win Over Black Voters Without Having to Meet Any’ | Video appeared first on TheWrap.