Damaged Fremantle Highway cargo ship to dock in Dutch port after fire

Netherlands authorities on Thursday said the cargo ship Fremantle Highway was being towed toward a Dutch port a week after it caught fire transporting thousands of cars in the North Sea. Photo courtesy Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Aug. 3 (UPI) -- Netherlands officials said on Thursday morning that the damaged cargo vessel Fremantle Highway was being towed to the Eemshaven, a seaport in the Groningen province.

The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management said the ship had begun its journey to the port at 5 a.m. local time, adding that the situation on board "is still stable" and its arrival would depend on weather and sea conditions.

The Eemshaven port is about 40 miles from where the ship had anchored near Schiermnnikoog and Ameland. Officials said Eemshaven was selected as the ship's final location due to the short travel time and access to existing infrastructure and the facilities needed to salvage the ship.

"The ship is safer in the port and the cargo can be unloaded," Coast Guard officials said. "By keeping the towage journey as short as possible, the risks due to, for example, deteriorating weather conditions are limited.

"The owner of the ship remains responsible for the further handling of the cargo and everything that goes with it. Rijkswaterstaat remains responsible for water quality."

The ship made its journey toward land after the ministry said Wednesday that there was "no indication that there is still a fire" on the ship which had been carrying more than 3,000 cars.

It's been more than a week since a fire on the freighter that fire killed one person.