My daughter found her perfect campus. Now DeSantis wants to destroy it.

After my daughter’s high school experience was decimated by COVID, college almost didn’t happen for her. She had been online for most of the past two years and the idea of going back to a traditional classroom seemed overwhelming.

None of the major universities appealed to her and, instead, she tossed around the idea of becoming an electrician or welder. My own father was an electrician, but I wasn’t convinced we should give up on college quite yet.

That’s when a friend mentioned New College of Florida in Sarasota. The Honors College of the Florida University system, it sounded like the perfect fit for her. When I told her about the beautiful campus along Sarasota Bay with its world-class faculty, her first concern was that it must be hard to get in.

A campus that feels like home

On the contrary, I explained that their acceptance rate was even higher than other campuses in the Florida system because most students wanted a campus with fraternities, sororities and football games every weekend. If you could see the puzzled look on her face, you’d know why New College was exactly the place for her.

Is DeSantis going too far?: Florida's governor is attacking free speech that conservatives have fought to protect

DeSantis eyes colleges in 'woke' war: Board shake-ups, threats to tenure and money

Students fight takeover: 'We will not go down without a fight,' students vow amid DeSantis' GOP takeover of Florida college

I’m happy to report she successfully completed her first semester in December. My daughter has finally found a small group of friends who are as enthusiastic as she is about a "Defunctland" video on queue management theory and the intricacies of the FastPass system. (Watch it – you’ll thank us later.)

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She joined clubs and felt a genuine sense of belonging for the first time in her life. For all the years she felt lonely in middle and high school because she gravitated toward teachers instead of peers, her time at New College is the payoff.

She has found her rightful place in the world. Over Thanksgiving break the very same daughter, who wanted to opt out of college to attend a trade school just over a year ago, was instead talking about graduate school and becoming a teacher’s assistant for Chemistry I next fall. In only a few short months, my daughter’s ambitions and career trajectory had been transformed by the New College experience. An experience that may soon be extinct.

Tamara Solum of Sarasota, Fla., holds up a sign reading "NO HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF NCF!" during a meeting of the Sarasota County Legislative Delegation on Jan. 12, 2023. Solum's daughter attends New College of Florida.
Tamara Solum of Sarasota, Fla., holds up a sign reading "NO HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF NCF!" during a meeting of the Sarasota County Legislative Delegation on Jan. 12, 2023. Solum's daughter attends New College of Florida.

'Anti-woke' or anti-student?

In case you haven’t heard, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently seized a grandstanding opportunity to push his “anti-woke agenda” and appointed six ultraconservative board members to gut New College from within. They’ve been instructed to take the helm of this overachieving, award-winning public liberal arts college and remold it in the likeness of the “classical education” available at Hillsdale College, a private Christian college in Michigan.

What's happening at New College of Florida?: DeSantis aims to create 'Hillsdale of the south' with conservative overhaul of a Florida college's board

A college that also refuses government funding to conveniently avoid compliance with federal laws that protect against discrimination or require prosecution of on-campus sexual assault, among others. A college that my daughter and her New College peers would never choose to attend.

Michelle Roberts
Michelle Roberts

As a parent finally watching their child thrive in New College’s unique supportive academic environment, I cannot stand by silently and watch her future collapse as collateral damage in DeSantis’ potential race to the White House. If DeSantis “succeeds” here, then we have failed our children and your child’s campus may be next.

Hillsdale wants the government to keep its hands off their campus. My daughter and her bright, intellectually curious peers only ask that DeSantis keep his hands off theirs.

Michelle Roberts is a graduate of the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering and a member of the Tallahassee Writers Association. 

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: DeSantis' GOP takeover of Florida college is latest anti-woke battle