Democrat Mark Kelly wins Arizona Senate race. The Republican party of McCain could've won.

It seems fitting that Sen. Mark Kelly and Adrian Fontes would win their elections on Veterans Day.

Kelly, a Navy pilot who flew 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm, defeated the Trump-endorsed Blake Masters.

Fontes, a former Marine, defeated the Trump-endorsed Mark Finchem for secretary of state.

The Associated Press called the races on Friday evening, after yet another batch of Maricopa County ballots broke heavily for Democrats.

Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh are still very much in play, with early ballots dropped from heavily Republican areas still to be counted.

But in these two races – Senate and secretary of state – it’s all over but the shouting.

Already, there is plenty of that.

Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., speaks during an Election Day rally at the Rialto Theatre in Tucson on November 8, 2022.
Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., speaks during an Election Day rally at the Rialto Theatre in Tucson on November 8, 2022.

GOP claims election 'fraud' in Arizona despite no evidence

“They are screwing with the election counts,” howled Finchem, shortly before the release of the results that signaled his defeat.

Tyler Bowyer, who heads Turning Point USA and is Arizona’s Republican national committeeman, accused Maricopa County of “CIVIC TERRORISM!”

Then there was Donald Trump.

“This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes,” he wrote on Friday evening, shortly after the races were called. “They stole the Electron (sic) from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!”

Expect to hear more about the many ways in which (Republican-run) Maricopa County “stole" the election in coming days.

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Instead, perhaps Republicans ought to ponder why they failed to recapture the Senate seat that was theirs for decades – until 2020 when Kelly beat the Trump-endorsed Martha McSally.

High inflation, an unpopular president, historical voting patterns that favored Republicans.

The table was set. But Arizona voters took a pass because Donald Trump was the guest of honor.

Republicans will now have six years now to contemplate what might have been.

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Blame Trump Republicans for Masters' loss

Had Republicans nominated the Mark Brnovich of 2020 – the attorney general who acknowledged that there was no grand conspiracy to defeat Trump in Arizona – they might have reclaimed this Senate seat.

Instead, candidate Brnovich was forced to spend the next two years bowing at the altar of Trump, hoping to earn the big man’s blessing and the Republican nomination.

Then came payback. Trump endorsed Blake Masters, the political neophyte who would buy into the delusion that he really won Arizona.

And the Republican faithful – led by state GOP Chairwoman and chief fake elector Kelli Ward – bought it, hook line and sinker.

Heavy emphasis on the sinker part.

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Masters was McSally 3.0, unable to win over those moderate Republican and right-leaning independent voters who put Kyrsten Sinema and then Mark Kelly in the Senate.

And now, Mark Kelly again.

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The party of McCain, the people despised and dismissed by Ward and Lake, could have won this race.

The party of Trump?

How many times do you have to lose before the once-Grand Old Party wakes up?

Laurie Roberts is a columnist for The Arizona Republic and azcentral, where this column originally ran. Reach Roberts at Follow her on Twitter at @LaurieRoberts.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Kelly wins Arizona Senate election. Will Trump's GOP finally learn?