What You Didn't Know About Melania Trump's Proudest Position - Being a Mom

As Melania Trump turns 47 Wednesday, InsideEdition.com is taking a look at what she calls her proudest achievement — being a mom.

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Melania has one child, 11-year-old Barron, with President Donald Trump, whom she married in 2005. She's also stepmom to 39-year-old Donald Jr., 35-year-old Ivanka, 33-year-old Eric and Tiffany, 23.

1. Being a Mom is 'Her First Job'

"I am a full-time mom; that is my first job. The most important job ever," she told Parenting.com in 2013.

"I cook him breakfast," she continued. "Bring him to school. Pick him up. Prepare his lunch. I spend the afternoon with him. Sometimes I have obligations, but I also think children need to see a parent do what her passion is. It is a good example for a child."

Mrs. Trump told People magazine in 2015, "I like to be hands-on. I think it’s very important.”

After her husband became president, Melania said she would stay in New York City so Barron can finish his school year at the $45,000-a-year Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. She and Barron are expected to move to Washington D.C., in the summer.

2. She's a Good Listener

"I think the No. 1 parenting secret is that it is so important to have a good listening skills," she told Parenting.com in the same interview. "I listen to what he says, what troubles him, and what he is excited about. Then I can guide and support."

3. She's Bringing Up Barron to Be Trilingual

Slovenia-born Melania, who is fluent in Slovenian, French, English and Italian, has reportedly taught her son Slovenian and French.

Vanity Fair recently reported that he speaks to his mom in Slovenian when they are together.

4. She Moisturizes Him With Caviar

In 2013 Melania revealed that she moisturizes her son with caviar using Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer, which came from her own cosmetics line.

"It smells very, very fresh," she told ABC News at the time. "I put it on him from head to toe. He likes it!"

5. She Encourages Him to Have a Vivid Imagination

"His imagination is growing and important," she told Parenting.com. "He draws on the walls in his playroom. We can paint it over... He is very creative, if you say to a child, 'No, no, no' — where does the creativity go?"

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6. She Also Encourages Him to Make Mistakes

In the same interview, she said it is important for her son and all children to fail and make mistakes.

"Mistakes build wings so later in life they can fly and go on their own," she said.

7. She Wants Him to Spend Time Alone With His Dad (Who Didn't Like Changing Diapers)

In 2015, Melania told People magazine how her husband and son spend quality time together.

“Barron loves to be one-on-one with dad because normally he's almost always all the time with me. So I give them space when it's Daddy and Barron time,” she said. “They go alone for dinner, one-on-one. They play golf together. He looks forward to that.”

During her interview with Parenting.com, Melania said she liked how she and her husband each know their roles when it comes to looking after Barron.

“It’s all about what works for you. It’s very important to know the person you’re with. And we know our roles. I didn’t want him to change the diapers or put Barron to bed. I love every minute of it,” she said.

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