I didn’t back Boise Mayor Lauren McLean last go-round. But this time, I’m convinced | Opinion

McLean changed my mind

I didn’t think she shared my passion for affordable housing. She did. She exceeded my expectations and has assembled an incredibly talented and innovative staff to support this work.

I didn’t think she’d succeed in securing basic protections for Boise’s renters. She did. Your children will benefit.

I didn’t think she’d embrace conservative Republican strategies or work so hard on community outreach and listening before presenting a modern zoning code. She did. It removes onerous regulatory hurdles and describes housing types, and affordability that will keep Boise an inviting and viable city for all who live and work here.

Her opponents have not been a part of addressing these things in any substantial way. Nor have they associated themselves with the organizations and the people who are doing the hard work of housing people in need or producing new affordable housing in Boise.

I’ll believe what my eyes are telling me. Despite the daunting challenges and lack of any fiscal support from the state, our mayor tenaciously shepherds the city’s affordable housing strategy. She’s delivering a pipeline of new projects as she looks to Boise’s future.

I didn’t vote for her, but Mayor Lauren McLean has earned my support this time.

Gary Hanes, Boise

Why I ditched the GOP

On Oct. 1st, I left the Republican party to become unaffiliated.

I was particularly upset that the Federation of Republican Women, the Idaho Young Republicans and the Idaho College Republicans were removed from the State Central Committee for no reason.

I was also upset that the Republican Legislature deleted the primary and forced a caucus.

Ethan Giles, Boise ID

Republican hypocrisy

It is very interesting that same Republicans that ran up $8 trillion of debt under Trump and gave massive tax cuts to the rich and big companies are now demanding severe budget cuts under Biden. The Trump cuts helped increase the number of billionaires from 551 to 748. They gained $2 trillion through Trump’s 2017 tax cuts.

The proposed budget cuts include cutting the IRS so that they won’t be able to audit the millionaires and $100-billion partnerships that are not paying their share of taxes. They also want to cut Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP, but not oil companies’ subsidies. One-third of the GoFundMe requests are to pay medical bills. Only in the US.

The CEOs of the three auto companies being struck were paid $74 million last year. Their pay has increased by 32% while the workers’ has increased 8.8%. Last year GM paid 1.3% income tax on $34 billion profit and Ford paid -.2% on $8 billion. Tax on large profitable corporations has dropped from 16% to 9% due to the constant Republican cuts.

Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville is preventing the promotion of hundreds of military personnel.

The diabetes drug Januvia is $547 in the US, but $16 in France.

Leo Faddis, Kuna

Reject May

Mary May is seeking your vote for Eagle City Council Member. Earlier this year at an Eagle Community meeting to discuss the annexation of Avimor, May, (with the eventual support of the majority of current council members), glowingly spoke in support of annexation in the face of overwhelming community disapproval of annexation. Our concerns were probable increased taxes and unknown impacts on our water usage and costs — very big concerns to the majority of us that held very little, to no, return for Eagle itself. May stood with the powerful interests against our interests. What do you believe May will do for you if elected?

Stephen J. Basil, Eagle

Re-elect Simison

During these challenging economic times and governmental turmoil, I could not think of a better place to live and work than in Meridian, Idaho where strategic responsible growth is apparent, and my business continues to thrive. As the past chairman of the Meridian Chamber of Commerce, I respect the importance of Mayor Robert Simison’s pro-business stance and policies allowing small businesses in Meridian to be successful. Simison has demonstrated that he sincerely cares about Meridian’s residents and the business community, and for that reason alone, I would recommend we all vote to re-elect Simison.

Jeffrey Hall, Meridian

In support of Schuetz

During these times of chaos and nastiness, whether in national or regional politics spilling over into our public schools, it’s time for level heads on our school boards. Susie Schuetz is the right person to bring that talent to the West Ada School Board Zone 2. Susie is actively involved in our community, and will make decisions based on what’s best for our students our teachers and our community. She is a great listener, mediator,and will make decisions based on sound input from parents, teachers and policymakers. Susie is a leader who cares about our students, after all she has a son in the district. Having skin in the game makes for an active and concerned member. Please vote. This is a right we all have, and our local elections are some that will affect our daily lives as much or more than any other.

Mitch Sanchotena, Nampa

Backing Burgoyne

With all the turnover on the Boise City Council, we are in need of someone with experience, thoughtfulness and knowledge. I support Grant Burgoyne for City Council Seat #2. Burgoyne has a solid record for accomplishing a great deal during his tenures as a state representative and as a senator (i.e., lower renter fees, protection of vulnerable citizens, benefits for first responders, college credits for high school students). Burgoyne listens to other voices and works with all involved for the best results. Burgoyne has been a resident of Boise for over 45 years, raising his family here. He cares wholeheartedly about Boise remaining a great place to live, not just for his family, but also for everyone who chooses Boise as their home. There are plenty of fresh faces on City Council, and as I see it, it’s time we have someone who can dig in, properly analyze the situation and work on the essential problems facing Boise. I believe that person is Burgoyne.

Stephanie M. Hoffman, Boise