District seniors produce music video to celebrate opening of senior centre

On Thursday June 27, senior citizens of Emo and elsewhere came together in a music video to promote the opening of their new senior centre at Knox United Church.

“This is our premier for the music video that was created through seniors’ community grant,” said Cindy Judson, project organizer. “We called it the Seniority Serenade Project and it involves seniors a hundred per cent.”

As a community engagement project, the seniors of Emo and other parts of the region performed in a 1950’s inspired music video to promote the establishment of a new senior centre in the Knox United Church. The launch of the video marked the opening of the centre.

“Our song is about the senior experience,” said Judson. “We worked as a team to put together lyrics and the ideas.”

Judson said the video was performed and created over an eight-month period, by 38 seniors who worked in groups at different phases of production, and she said the song is called “I’m still me”. A Facebook post by producer, MJ Interactive, said the song is a light-hearted yet honest perspective on the aging experience.

“We sat around the table and brainstormed what it means to be senior,” said Joyce Meyers.

“I really got to know a lot of people, that I really didn’t know well,” said Janet Loney.

Judson said no one had seen the video in its completed form until the premier on Thursday.

“We will release it to social media in a couple of days, this is the first time any of us will see this,” said Judson. “We kept it secret because we wanted to build up for it.”

The group worked with Maverick Judson of MJ Interactive to create the 1950’s inspired tune to match the lyrics created by seniors. Judson said he produced, engineered and recorded the video in his studio. The project was made possible by the Government of Ontario’s Senior Community Grant, along with support from Emo Knox United Church and Thread Shed.

Louis Bergeron, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Fort Frances Times