What does 'AFK' mean? And examples on how to use it when texting friends.

Have you ever messaged someone and they used an acronym or abbreviation that you're unfamiliar with? You may even respond "idk" to this scenario.

"ICYMI" USA TODAY has been breaking down text slang. So, there's no need to stress about what your friend just sent. We've got you covered with various explainers on different internet phrases, such as "mid" and "OTP."

Now, it's time to get to know the meaning and how to use the abbreviation "AFK."

What does 'AFK' mean?

"AFK" is an abbreviation for "away from keyboard," according to Dictionary.com.

It is used to let someone know that you or another person will be stepping away from their device, or "keyboard." In some cases, "AFK" is used while playing video games.

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How to use 'AFK'

Here are some examples of how to use "AFK":

  • "Did you ask Omar if he was up to play 'Valorant'?" "Yeah, but his status said AFK."

  • "Hey! I'm gonna be AFK; I have to finish up my homework."

  • "She hasn't responded in a while, I guess she's AFK."

Want to learn? Catch up on more text slang explainers:

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: 'AFK' meaning: What the abbreviation stands for and how to use it