What does the future of Stanislaus County look like? Find out on Thursday | Opinion

Despite their importance, local governance often doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves given all the attention to national and international issues. However, the safety of our communities, the quality of our daily lives and the effectiveness of our democracy are deeply intertwined with the health of local governance.

Local governments determine the allocation of resources for schools, roads, public safety, parks and more. The decisions made at the local level directly affect the quality of life for residents. Whether it’s zoning regulations, public transportation or environmental policies, these decisions shape the fabric of our communities.


This Thursday, our community has an opportunity to see and hear how their local government is working for them. As chairman of the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors, I have the privilege to present the “State of the County” address to our community.

We decided to do things a bit differently this year and bring this address to the people. I will be delivering the address on the steps of the Stanislaus County Library, located at 1500 I Street in Modesto. With the support of my colleagues, the State of the County address will offer an open atmosphere for county residents to attend without reservation.

Before the address, and in honor of National County Government Month, county departments will host resource tables outside the Stanislaus County Library in Downtown Modesto from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The resource fair is an opportunity to highlight the services Stanislaus County offers and give county residents a chance to ask questions or seek assistance from various departments.

Creating accessibility fosters a greater sense of accountability and transparency with our residents. Stanislaus County’s residents have the opportunity to attend town hall meetings, engage with elected officials and participate in decision-making processes in various ways, but they seldom interact with the staff that often takes care of their requests. The 26 departments that make up our county government are filled with dedicated public servants who work every day to provide for our community. They are the ones who answer your call, fill potholes and protect our community.

This resource fair will allow representatives from our departments to be available outside our government offices and in the community. After the resource fair, we encourage you to stay at the library to hear our annual State of the County address, commencing at 5:30 p.m.

The board is striving for a vision for the future of Stanislaus County, which is rooted in innovation, collaboration and prosperity for all residents. Our foremost priority is to foster economic empowerment and opportunity for all residents. This entails supporting local businesses, attracting new industries and investing in workforce development programs.

In addition, we understand that strong infrastructure forms the backbone of any thriving community. We will continue to prioritize investments in transportation, healthcare, education and public safety infrastructure. By updating our existing infrastructure and expanding access to essential services, we can enhance the quality of life for all residents.

The board understands that government alone is not the answer. We must collaborate with community organizations, adjacent government agencies, businesses and stakeholders to tackle issues such as homelessness, healthcare access and education disparities. Through this collaborative approach we can achieve meaningful and sustainable progress toward a better future for ourselves and our children.

Please join us this Thursday to engage with our county departments and learn more about existing services. We all share the county’s storied past as together we shape our bright future.

Mani Grewal is chairman of the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors and represents District 4.