Donald Trump greeted by hat-waving workers at Turnberry golf resort

Donald Trump has visited his Turnberry golf resort on the second day of his trip to Scotland.

The former US president was escorted by police as he met staff at the resort in South Ayrshire.

Trump Turnberry workers waved their hats, which said "we make Turnberry great again", as they greeted him.

Mr Trump arrived in Scotland on Monday, after landing at Aberdeen Airport.

He then made his way to his Trump International Scotland course at the Menie Estate near Aberdeen and cut a red ribbon to mark breaking ground on the new MacLeod course - dedicated to his mother, Mary Anne MacLeod.

Ms MacLeod was born on the Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles before emigrating to the US.

During his trip, where he has been joined by his son Eric, Mr Trump has described his mother as "an incredible woman who loved Scotland".

"She returned here every year and she loved the Queen," he said.

"I got to know the Queen too during my visits here. I love Scotland just as much."

Mr Trump spent two days at his Turnberry course while in office in 2018, meeting Theresa May and the Queen during his stay.

Following his time in Scotland, he will head to his golf course at Doonbeg, County Clare, on Ireland's west coast.

The tycoon's trip to Scotland comes as he faces criminal charges in the US.

He pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts last month as he appeared in a New York court, becoming the first former US president to face criminal charges.

The allegations relate to him falsifying business records "in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election", according to prosecutors.