Academic overdosed after buying prescription drugs on illicit website


A coroner has written to the Culture Secretary warning of the dangers of unregulated websites after a “highly talented” teaching fellow died after taking a cocktail of prescription-only drugs.

Dr Kimberly Liu, a Harvard Law School graduate who was a teaching fellow at Durham University, had repeatedly bought sedatives online for four years before her death, an inquest heard.

She died from taking a cocktail of prescription-only medicines she had bought from illicit websites. The 40-year-old had become addicted to sleeping pills and painkillers, the hearing was told.

But while her GP had prescribed her some medications, Liu had regularly sought out others on the internet.

Liu was found unresponsive by her husband at her London home in February 2023 and was pronounced dead due to “mixed drug toxicity”.

Assistant coroner Ian Potter has now written to Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, warning about the dangers of the unregulated websites used by Dr Liu.

In his Prevention of Future Deaths report he redacted the names of the drugs and the online sites she accessed.

‘Grave danger’

But he warned they were placing potential customers in “grave danger”.

“The evidence revealed that from at least 2019, Kimberly Liu had regularly accessed websites specifically aimed at selling prescription-only medications (predominantly medications with a sedative effect) that allowed repeat orders on the same day and did not require a prescription,” he said.

“Despite the different URLs, some of the websites appear to be operated by the same company and/or individual(s), in that ordering using an identical WhatsApp number was also permitted.

“Correspondence from the websites, following an order being placed, included messaging that suggested that the operator(s) knew that their supply of such medication was likely to arouse regulatory suspicion.

“By way of example, messaging received in emails following the placing of an order, included the following: ‘This is to inform you that usage of the name “Sleeping Tablets” during the payment at the banks is prohibited. Kindly do not use the brand name as it can be harmful for us. do not mention the product or website when making payment.’”

Mr Potter – who covers Inner North London – said that on one occasion in December 2021 one website permitted identical orders of tablets within nine minutes of each other, “without question or checks”.

“Three days later a further order was again permitted without any query,” he added.

“The concern here is that these websites, and potentially other similar websites, are not only operating without regulation, but that they appear to exploit already vulnerable individuals by facilitating an almost unseen feeding of dangerous medication addictions thereby placing those individuals in grave danger.”

Mr Potter said he believes the websites could aid in suicide attempts.

“I believe that consideration ought to be given to the impact that the availability of such websites has on the population at large, together with the significantly increased risks to those who have developed an addiction to such medications or may even be contemplating acts of self-harm,” he said.

“I also believe that consideration ought to be given to whether and what action(s) could be taken to remove or limit access to or the availability of such websites.”

Addicted to sleeping tablets

The inquest last month was told that Liu, an American who obtained her PhD from University College, London – had become addicted to sleeping tablets, pain-killing medication, and other medications “with a sedative effect” in the years prior to her death.

“On Feb 7 this year she was found unresponsive at home by her husband and an ambulance was called,” the coroner said. “Paramedics verified her death at home.

“Post-mortem toxicological analysis revealed numerous prescription-only medications in Dr Liu’s blood at the time of her death.

“Some of these medications had been prescribed by Dr Liu’s general practitioner and were at or about therapeutic levels; whereas other medications, which had not been prescribed by her GP, were found at levels suggestive of excessive use.”

Mr Potter recorded a verdict of drug-related death.

Writing to Mrs Frazer, he said: “In my opinion, action should be taken to prevent future deaths and I believe you have the power to take such action.”

The Culture Secretary has until Feb 15 to respond.

According to an obituary published in the Washington Post, Liu attended Virginia University, Harvard Law School, the London School of Economics and UCL.

At the time of her death, she was a teaching fellow in employment law at Durham University, it said.

“This enchanting daughter, sister, and wife was the light of our lives. The depth of our sorrow at her passing is beyond description,” the obituary said.

In a tribute from UCL, Prof Colm O’Cinneide described her as a “wonderful person: thoughtful, caring and possessed of remarkable intelligence”.

Prof Eloise Scotford, Dean of UCL Faculty of Laws, said she was a “highly talented and generous young legal academic”.

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