Dundalk Olde Town Hall is for sale

The Dundalk Olde Town Hall is up for sale “as is”, more than 10 years after its second-storey theatre was closed for fire code issues.

A Request for Proposal is on the township website and was advertised in the June 19 edition of the Herald. The deadline for proposals is Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

The information online says that the value of the property is $285,000. The township must get an estimate before disposing of surplus property.

The town hall at 80 Main Street East was built in 1905, and after Dundalk joined with Proton and Egremont to form Southgate, the offices on the main floor were rented out.

The beautiful theatre on the second floor of latter years was used mainly by Dundalk Little Theatre.

That ended with a fire order that meant the theatre was closed for assembly use at that time – December, 2013. The main floor continued to be rented.

Since then, several studies found other building issues, and estimates were beyond what the township wanted to spend, as much as $2-$3 million.

Many in the community rallied, trying to find a strategic path to use the hall as a culture hub in the downtown to support revitalization. The township agreed to apply for an infrastructure grant, which turned down

Last year, a pending deal fell apart behind closed doors.

The June, 2023 report to council said that “the financial obligations are far too great to make the project viable for the Township, or a private partner.”

When the report was received, council endorsed the sale of the building, but added that “community benefit” would be part of the RDP, and that staff would look for opportunities to work with the public on finding ways to keep the theatre open.

The RFP asks questions about community benefit, but as far as the Herald has been able to find out, there was no follow-up with the community members who supported the efforts to save the hall.


Selling the building would lead to it being preserved as a landmark, last year’s report said.

The staff report said that historical items and artifacts such as a section of theatre seating, and significant commemorative pieces, could be removed prior to sale for display elsewhere, with a historical explanation and photos.

Proceeds from the sale could be used toward a cultural space at a new multi-use facility, the report suggested.

Southgate’s 10-year capital plan includes a $3 million multi-use recreation facility and an $8 million administration building in 2026. In 2028, $12 million is forecast for a Community Centre facility.

M.T. Fernandes, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Dundalk Herald