Here’s an easy way to help prevent the spread of COVID: open a window | Opinion

Clean air keeps us healthy

San Joaquin Valley CA residents can get free air purifiers,” (, June 9)

If you are living in post-pandemic mode but want to make an effort to stop the spread of new COVID variants and avoid a summer surge in your community, there’s something simple you can do. The virus tends to spread more easily indoors, so whenever it is safe and possible to do so, open a window!

For more ideas, search online for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s advice for “improving ventilation in your home.” There are simple steps we can take to halt the further spread of disease.

Carmen Ruelas


Expiration date

New PAC wants more people under 35 in Congress, legislatures,” (, Aug. 9)

A recent article discussed the Federal Aviation Administration’s reauthorization bill to increase the retirement age for commercial pilots from 65 to 67. Apparently, there’s no scientific study to support such a change. At least, however, the aviation industry has a mandatory retirement age. I believe most people would agree that flying an airliner is serious business. You want your pilot to have all of their marbles together to focus on the important task at hand: flying a plane. Very few fliers want an impaired pilot handling an airliner when so many lives are in the balance. And that brings us to the geriatric handful, on both sides, that want to run the country.

Why does there not exist an age ceiling for the most critical positions in our government? As we age, critical thinking, memory retention, inductive and deductive reasoning, brain plasticity, emotional balance and our ability to synthesize highly complex information are all deteriorating. And these folks aren’t flying an airline, they have their hand on the nuclear button.

Would it not be reasonable to have an “expiration date” for politicians?

Lee Ervin



Trump is dangerous

Modesto readers say Donald Trump is a liar and criminal,” (, Aug. 6)

Oh the irony of all the whining, complaining and yelling about how terrible and wrong it is for poor little billionaire Donny Trump to be so persecuted by the special counsel and a couple of district attorneys when, in fact, he had promised after being elected to do a lot worse by using the power of his office to go after his perceived enemies whether they had broken any laws or not.

He has said, if elected, that he intends to command the Department of Justice to go after his “enemies.” This is tantamount to making the DOJ and FBI into his own private police force (aka gestapo) to investigate and prosecute everyone and anyone who he thinks have wronged him. He has promised to fire anyone in government who does not swear undying loyalty. This will include the joint chiefs and anyone in the Pentagon who might refuse to declare martial law should he command it.

He was held back from the presidency in 2020 by a few good people who told him no. He now knows how to make sure there will never again be principled people who can stop him from becoming a dictator for life.

In my opinion, he is scary and dangerous.

James Peck


Ready for new leaders

Modesto readers say Donald Trump is a liar and criminal,” (, Aug. 6)

Perhaps it is not too late to return to humility and respect for the law. We have lived and are living the consequences of both a former president who maligns and slanders any opposition with prideful personal attacks and rhetoric to insight support and a current president who practices prideful power by executive action and hence must be stopped by the judicial branch of government. I’m ready for a change, but will a humble candidate who respects constitutional law and the separation of powers step forward?

Richard Tassinari


Accountability coming for Trump

Modesto readers say Donald Trump is a liar and criminal,” (, Aug. 6)

A recent editorial states that Donald Trump must be held accountable for doing nothing for hours to quell the deadly insurrection in his name. While this is true, it misses the point. Trump must be held accountable for actively instigating and fomenting the Jan. 6 insurrection and attempted coup.

David L. Tucker


Remembering Harry Bakker

Success & Service: Three honored as literacy heroes,” (, Oct. 12, 2015)

Unfortunately, I could not attend Harry Bakker’s Celebration of Life earlier this month. Instead, I decided that writing this letter would be second best. I had the pleasure of working with Harry for approximately 30 years with Modesto City School and the Stanislaus County Office of Education as a teacher, principal and superintendent. Harry was always the consummate teacher, regardless of his position.

I recall sending him a proposal for a grant (admittedly, I hadn’t given it the fullest attention). It was returned to me with several modifications in red ink, including editing, formatting and suggested alternative approaches. That was the one and only time I ever sent Harry a less-than-fully-developed document. Harry was a stickler for proper grammar and spelling — he was truly always in teacher mode.

Harry was also a consummate professional and a gentleman. In retirement, he served as spelling master for county spelling bees. He always maintained full control with his usual humor.

By the way, in honor of Harry, this letter was proofread three times.

Doug Fraser
