El Dorado’s proclamation of a Christian Heritage Month is a Constitutional violation | Opinion

Embarrassing proclamation in El Dorado

El Dorado County declares American Christian Heritage Month. Not all residents are happy,” (sacbee.com, Aug. 2)

Not only is El Dorado County’s decision to establish July for a particular religious “heritage” an outsized violation of the spirit of the Constitution, it is also telling and embarrassing that their motive for the move is so-called historical education.

I look forward to same-sized treatment for the third of El Dorado residents who are not affiliated with religion as well as those of minority religions. We don’t have enough months in the year available for each, so some of these proclamations might have to share July with Christians.

Thank you to the county for opening this wonderful door that will surely lead to corrected proclamation wording and for bringing everyone’s attention to how quickly the El Dorado board can act to similarly honor its other residents whose forefathers contributed to the real secular heritage of this inclusive country.

Judy Saint

President, Greater Sacramento Chapter Freedom From Religion Foundation

The permanent stain of Trump

Donald Trump to address California Republican convention,” (sacbee.com, Aug. 1)

Twice impeached during his single, horrifyingly chaotic, perversely divisive presidency, and now three times criminally indicted, Donald Trump apparently ticks all the requisite boxes for a keynote speaking invitation from a political establishment clearly unable to identify and embrace an honorable, respectable figurehead.

Enthusiastic disregard for both rule of law and hallowed conventions of governance, in slavish fealty to Trump, will debase and cripple the GOP for years to come, depriving America of a rational, effective, respectable conservative movement.

Has conservative leadership the courage and will to emerge from the Trump swamp?

Damon Schwartz



Stop drilling and fracking

California’s ambitious 2030 climate target faces serious obstacles, regulator acknowledges,” (sacbee.com, July 31)

California can still reach our 2030 climate goals, but only if we stop relying on unproven, unworkable schemes like ‘carbon capture,’ a technology that aims to trap climate pollution before it enters the atmosphere. While that might sound appealing, in the real world carbon capture has been a complete climate failure. The only way to protect our climate from the assault of corporate interests is to stop drilling and fracking for fossil fuels.

Gov. Gavin Newsom should use his executive authority today to stop permitting fossil fuel extraction in California. Renewable energy and energy efficiency are reliable, cost-effective and ready for widespread deployment. Given huge advances in production and storage, we could meet 100% of our energy needs with clean, renewable energy.

It is time for Newsom and California leaders to step up, show real commitment through action and lead our state toward a fully renewable future.

Chirag Bhakta


Where are Placer’s Democrats?

These 10 California elections might decide partisan control of U.S. House in 2024,” (sacbee.com, July 24)

The Bee says Rep. Kevin Kiley will likely keep his seat in the next election in 2024. We moved to Placer county 29 years ago and have endured the John Doolittle, Tom McClintock and now Kiley years, all the while waiting to feel the impact of Bay Area people moving here for improved quality of life and comparatively lower housing prices, bringing their politics with them.

But that hasn’t happened. The Democratic Party can’t seem to field candidates. Last election, they brought in Dr. Kermit Jones, but I guess he’s now just a memory.Where are the Democrats?

Brian Keeley

Granite Bay

Scott Alvord’s reputation

Roseville councilman, House of Oliver owner settle defamation case rooted in 2022 campaign,” (sacbee.com, July 21)

I was happy to see the lawsuit filed by Councilman Scott Alvord was settled in his favor, but unfortunately, the damage was already done by Matthew Oliver and Aaron Park in their conquest to harm Alvord’s reputation by making false accusations.

Alvord has always been a professional leader committed to the well-being of this community. I, for one, am proud that he has served on the Roseville City Council and supports the city and community the way he does. Alvord should have been elected to the County Board of Supervisors, and I firmly believe, had it not been for the interference of Oliver, he would have succeeded.

I sincerely hope the challenge to Oliver’s claims against Alvord and settling this lawsuit will make Oliver think before he speaks — but I have my doubts.

Helen Warren


Napear deserved what he got

Grant Napear’s career was canceled because of one tweet,” (sacbee.com, July 31)

I don’t think Napear’s career cancellation stinks as much as Kings fans might think. Napear did this to himself. He’s always had a big mouth and a big ego. He shouldn’t have taken DeMarcus Cousins’ bait.

Napear might not have said the n-word in his “All Lives Matter” all-caps rant, but what he said was wrong.

Robert Truskey Jr.

Citrus Heights