Election letters: Susan Funk or Heather Moreno for SLO County supervisor? | Opinion

A business decision?

I believe The Tribune’s decision not to endorse Mayor Heather Moreno for District 5 supervisor was a strategic business move, rather than a reflection of the candidates’ qualifications. The publication has veered toward the left, alienating conservative readers. Endorsing a candidate aligned with their perceived political stance seems aimed at retaining subscribers rather than assessing who would truly serve as the best leader for District 5. This approach undermines the essence of fair and unbiased journalism, prioritizing profit over the community’s best interest.

Dena E. Snedden


The experience we need

After enduring three disappointing terms of Debbie Arnold’s partisan, divisive politics, I believe Susan Funk will give District 5 constituents the service we need to meet our county’s challenges.

Susan’s wide-ranging experience is impressive: four years on the legislative staff of a Missouri Congressman, an MBA and Certificate in Public Management from Stanford; a stint in operations and business management in the healthcare industry; and ownership of her own small business in healthcare for 25 years.

Susan understands the importance of good data and serious analysis to drive decision making. Susan has twice been elected to the Atascadero City Council. As mayor pro tempore, Funk has served her city and SLO County, taking a leading role in campaigning for pay equity for the Atascadero Police Department and the sustainability of our water supply. She chairs SLO County’s Homeless Services Oversight Council and has led in the development of a new Countywide Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness 2022-27, approved unanimously by the Board of Supervisors.Experience counts! I urge you to vote for Susan Funk for District 5 Supervisor by March 5.

Edie Lycke

San Luis Obispo

Which Debbie?

Fact check: Did Debbie Arnold sent a postcard endorsing Susan Funk for Board of Supervisors?” (sanluisobispo.com, Feb 16)

Debbie Arnold discovered that another “Debbie” had written a mailer supporting Susan Funk for Board of Supervisors. That Debbie didn’t reveal her last name, which Arnold assumes was for the purpose of confusing others that Arnold herself had changed her mind. A bit pretentious?

My 85-year-old brain seems to fail at making such assumptions. I am sadly satisfied with Susan Funk’s explanation that her policy is to protect her supporters by using only their first names in their mail-outs. “Sad” because partisan extremism has risen to such violent levels in our country and county as to require such a policy.

On the same day a Moreno mailer arrived at our house that was full of lies about “extremist” Funk supporters who want to “defund the police,” with quotes as if they came from Susan, but clearly did not. Sad, since I am a Susan Funk supporter, and retired from a career in California law enforcement. Furthermore, what does the Board of Supervisors have to do with police funding?

The state laws relating to the sheriff restricts the powers of the county Board of Supervisors so that most power resides with the state Attorney General via district attorneys.

Seems to me Moreno’s confusing that with her job as mayor.

Jim Carlisle


Getting things done

Moreno or Funk? Here’s The Tribune’s recommendation for SLO County Board of Supervisors | Opinion,” (sanluisobispo.com, Feb. 9)

The Tribune did a fine analysis of the District 5 supervisor candidates. Though both candidates made contributions to Atascadero’s government, it is actually Susan Funk who initiates and leads in Atascadero and countywide.

Funk has a hands-on, proactive approach to government. She chaired our county’s Homeless Services Leadership Council and proposed realistic solutions. She advocates for support services for those in transitional housing and for mental health training for law enforcement officials. Funk supports law enforcement’s efforts to keep everyone safe.

The Tribune’s endorsement values Funk’s transparency to questions about anti-democratic measures, like gerrymandering, and her commitment to representative and democratic county government. Her opponent takes undo credit and avoids direct answers. Conversely, Funk is candid, collaborative and hard-working. We need a supervisor like Susan Funk who gets things done!

Marcia Alter

Arroyo Grande

A pragmatic approach

Moreno or Funk? Here’s The Tribune’s recommendation for SLO County Board of Supervisors | Opinion,” (sanluisobispo.com, Feb. 9)

As a San Luis Obispo County resident and business owner deeply concerned about California’s homeless crisis and its impact on our county, its human cost and its effect on public safety, I am proud to support Heather Moreno in her campaign for District 5 Supervisor. Moreno’s leadership as Atascadero’s mayor has demonstrated a pragmatic approach to problem-solving, particularly when it comes to the multifaceted issue of homelessness.

Under Moreno’s guidance, Atascadero proactively collaborated with the County’s Community Action Team, embedding mental health and crisis workers with law enforcement to provide essential help to vulnerable individuals within the homeless community, all while enhancing public safety. She increased resources by hiring a second officer and a part-time mental health worker, working in tandem with a case manager from the ECHO Homeless Shelter.

Moreno’s balanced and responsible approach has earned her the respect of both homeless advocates and the endorsements of law enforcement — a testament to her ability to bridge gaps in pursuit of a better community.

Adam Verdin

Arroyo Grande

Moreno supports Atascadero’s youths

Heather Moreno has served on the Board of Directors of Lighthouse Atascadero for over 10 years. One of the first questions that members of the board ask ourselves about an action to be considered is: “Are we doing what is best for kids?” Heather is always among the first to ask that question.

Her level of concern for the members of the adolescent population in our community is impressive, especially if it concerns drug and alcohol use. The transition for Heather from mayor of Atascadero to Supervisor of San Luis Obispo County would benefit a large number of the youths in our county and she would continue to serve our local students as well. I am urging you to vote for Heather as supervisor because she has proven herself to be a great leader and because she cares about the members of the adolescent population in the community. She is intelligent, she is informed and she is involved.

Donn Clickard


Funk has my full support

My name is Courtney Baird and I am a political science student at Cal Poly SLO. I am writing to endorse my fullest support for Susan Funk. I originally joined her campaign to deepen my involvement in my Campaigns and Elections course with Professor Michael Latner but after volunteering to further her goals, I fell in love with her platform.

Susan Funk prioritizes the well-being of SLO County and embodies values such as affordable housing, access to clean drinking water and strengthening infrastructure to ensure safety. As a student who often feels like her voice isn’t heard in local politics, I have loved working with Susan Funk and felt that my voice was valued and appreciated. I believe she is a strong candidate that has the right values to achieve results.

Courtney Baird

San Luis Obispo

Moreno boosts affordable housing

Since 2015, our state legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom have enacted scores of bills to boost housing construction while removing local control from local governments. Yet, after eight years of such legislation, housing production has lagged while the costs of housing has exploded. Our county and cities need to collaborate to increase housing production in ways that protect and complement the livability of our local communities.

As Atascadero’s mayor since 2018, Heather Moreno has been a forceful advocate for economic and housing development consistent with community character while addressing affordability by design. She will make sure that the county planning department reduces red tape and permits processing times without increasing costs.

Moreno believes that we need to do everything possible to ensure that people have access to secure, affordable housing. Let’s make sure Moreno will be our next District 5 county supervisor.

Grigger Jones


What’s Moreno done?

Mr. Grigger Jones claims that Heather Moreno is a housing champion and has been “a forceful advocate for economic and housing development.” When someone is not being specific, I have to ask, “based on what?” What has happened on her watch as mayor of Atascadero for her to claim that?

In contrast, Susan Funk has led the effort to reduce homelessness in SLO County. She built consensus around a plan, adopted by the county, that will significantly increase the pool of affordable housing. The housing issue is very complicated and has been bad for many years. Even if Moreno were able to reduce planning department red tape and permit processing times that wouldn’t be enough to solve the problem. Better to elect Susan Funk who has spent the time and effort to understand all aspects of this issue.

Michael Swan


Moreno for balanced government

I wholeheartedly endorse Heather Moreno for county supervisor. Heather recognizes the crucial importance of establishing a positive tone at the highest level of leadership. Having collaborated with her on the City Council for over five years, I have consistently witnessed her exemplify outstanding leadership characterized by both grace and efficiency. Her dedication to principles such as openness, accountability and a professional mindset is essential for effective leadership.

Heather has a well-established history of posing insightful questions, attending meetings well prepared and actively striving to better our community. As a supervisor, Heather will undoubtedly bring this same dedication to the county. Her desire to serve the public, coupled with a commitment to treating everyone with dignity, will contribute to a thriving community and a county that gets things done.

Heather will bring professionalism, consensus-building skills and a commitment to organizational excellence to the table. She is the ideal person to help shape the board’s culture into one that is competent, effective and brings people together. Join me in voting Heather Moreno for our next District 5 county supervisor.

Heather Newsom


Funk would be impartial

San Luis Obispo County needs new, real leadership, not a hand-picked successor for the current, contentious supervisor from District

Susan Funk is a successful business woman, two-term Atascadero City Council member with a master’s degree in Public Administratio n from Stanford University. And, yes, she fully supports law enforcement and all first responders; helped formulate the new county plan to address homelessness, and knows how to balance a budget.

We need Susan Funk’s fair, impartial, non-ideological leadership to work with all parties to get things done at the county level as she’s done in Atascadero.

Eric Michielssen

Santa Margarita