With every targeted special interest or far-right bill, Idaho becomes less free | Opinion

Far right

Protect Idaho’s Constitution from “death by a thousand cuts” and keep Idaho from being transformed into “Greater-Idaho” or the “American Redoubt.”

Idaho’s ultra-conservative factions claim to protect “our” God-given rights but are unyielding in their extreme convictions mimicking autocratic rule. They assume moral superiority forcing their belief systems and ideals on all Idahoans under pretenses of liberty and freedom. It’s blatant subterfuge.

Idahoans are under attack. Veiled threats and intimidation exhibited by armed “God-Fearing, Liberty-Loving Patriots” or unregulated “militias’‘ disrupting “Pride in the Park,” packing board meetings of libraries or schools, and “parading” outside private homes are encouraged. “We have to make sure with the Democrats coming at us with full force that we have our barriers up, our guns loaded and ready to keep this state free (Dorothy Moon).”

Yet, with every targeted special interest or far-right bill passed, we become less free. Public schools, voting and initiative rights, doctors, librarians, entertainers, and educators are in the crosshairs of ultra-conservatives.

Ultra-conservatives view all who oppose them as threats attacking them as statist, leftist, RINOs or socialists and communists. Dangerous accusations that include a vast majority of Idahoans, most of whom consider themselves conservative Republicans.

Who will be targeted next?

Jolene Heinze, McCall


Gov. Brad Little eulogized the late Gov. Phil Batt as an honorable man, as a man who knew there is a clear line between right and wrong and would not waver in his support for what is right. As a result, I have been wondering:

Would Phil Batt agree with making it more difficult for young people to vote? Put the government in charge of what we read? Would he accept the dehumanization of LGBTQ people? Condone government control over women’s bodies? Accept armed right-wing militias intimidating the population of Idaho? Find it acceptable to take money from public schools to fund private education with no fiscal accountability?

I feel I know the answer to all of these questions. Phil Batt would find these extreme right wing positions deplorable. On each of these issues, Phil Batt would be standing up and asking the Republican Party to recenter itself, to find its North Star. Phil Batt was a man of short stature and towering character.

Now the real question: What will Brad Little do? Will he find the courage to speak for what is right, or will he cower before the legislature as he has previously done?

Let me guess.

Jan Schlicht, Boise


Tired of being polite and respectful.

It appears that many Idaho legislators believe the value of women and girls is based on reproduction and “taking care of the males”. They are attacking librarians, teachers, health care providers, child care and other traditionally female roles so they can control women. Are their egos so weak that they need to bully, intimidate and remove rights of others to feel powerful? Please think about it next time you vote.

Sheila Robbins, Boise


I’ve been confused by the right’s obsession with the idea behind the word “woke.” Its definition, besides that as a synonym for “awakened,” seems to date back to early in the last century, when it referred to being aware of the nature and extent of racial discrimination that permeated society. In slang dictionaries it’s defined as “having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial or sexual minorities.”

It’s hard for me to see how this idea can be derided by so many people — unless we actually have so many among us who believe that old white men should remain in a position of superiority over those belonging to other races, ethnic groups, ages and sexes. I guess the rise of Trump and MAGAism, especially in Florida, is easier to understand in that light.

Walt Thode, Boise