Fact check: False claim former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn was arrested for treason

The claim: Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn was arrested for 'treasonous acts'

A Dec. 30, 2022, article by Real Raw News claims a former high-ranking government official was recently charged with a serious crime.

"Military Arrests Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn," reads the article's headline.

"U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday arrested former Food & Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn for having committed treasonous acts against the nation and its people while he served under President Donald J. Trump throughout the Coronavirus Plandemic, JAG sources told Real Raw News," the article begins.

The article was shared more than 200 times on Facebook in three weeks, according to the social media analytics tool CrowdTangle.

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Our rating: False

There are no credible reports about former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn being arrested by the military. Hahn is currently listed as being in leadership positions at both a cancer diagnostic firm and a venture capital firm. The claim stems from a website that routinely publishes false claims about the arrest of high-profile government figures..

No evidence of Hahn's arrest

There is no evidence Hahn was arrested by the Navy JAG Corps, which handles the Navy's legal services. The claim isn't mentioned on the Navy JAG Corps' website or its verified social media accounts.

There are no credible news reports of any such arrest. And Hahn has posted on his LinkedIn profile since the supposed arrest.

Hahn served as FDA commissioner from December 2019 to January 2021. In December 2021, Reuters reported that Hahn had been appointed to lead Harbinger Health, which hopes to develop a "low-cost, multi-cancer blood test" to detect cancer before it's visible or symptomatic. Hahn is listed as Harbinger Health's CEO on the company's website.

Harbinger Health was launched by Flagship Pioneering, a venture capital firm where Hahn is listed as a CEO-Partner.

Fact check: Article falsely claims Speaker Nancy Pelosi was arrested for treason

USA TODAY has previously debunked fabricated stories by Real Raw News, including false claims that Nancy Pelosi was arrested and charged with treason, that Joe Biden employed crisis actors to portray Marines during a speech and that the Navy sunk a FEMA barge.

A disclaimer found on the site’s “About Us” page states it “contains humor, parody, and satire.” The notice, however, is not included in the website’s articles.

USA TODAY reached out to the social media user who shared the post for comment.

Check Your Fact also debunked the claim.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Fact check: False claim Stephen Hahn arrested for 'treasonous acts'