Firefighters help child with toilet seat stuck on head

Zeva before and after getting her head unstuck from the toilet seat. Photo from Twitter
Zeva before and after getting her head unstuck from the toilet seat. Photo from Twitter

Firefighters are synonymous with putting out blazes but sometimes their work involves putting out fires that don’t involve smoke and flames.

Take for instance the rescue Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service carried out recently when a three-year-old girl put her head where it certainly didn’t belong. Little Zeva was brought to the station after somehow getting stuck with a toilet seat on her head.

Employees put on the cartoon Peppa Pig for Zeva to watch on TV, in an attempt to distract her while they undertook their precarious mission. Firefighters helped the little girl remove the yellow plastic, duck-shaped cover from around her neck by cutting through it.

“She was a very brave girl,” a spokesperson wrote via Twitter, along with a before and after photo of the smiling, curly-headed child. They added the hashtag #notjustfires to enforce the point that a firefighter’s work can involve much more than burning buildings.