Flint & Tinder Makes the Perfect Field Jacket for Transitional Weather
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Take one glance through the Huckberry site, as I do at least once a day, and step into a world of lush coastal and wooded vistas, cozy winter cabins, roaring fires, the perfect pair of leather boots, or an exceptional new waxed jacket (or all of the above, better still). Huckberry’s apparel, accessories, and outdoor gear seem to support the type of lifestyle that I aspire to live—the kind that makes you want to book a winter cabin getaway ASAP.
The retailer offers a tightly-curated yet vast assortment of rugged, stylish, versatile gear for men—the kind of items that aren’t always essential, per se, but tend to make you say, “I need that.” Not every man needs an ax, for instance, but every guy would do well to look for a stylish pair of leather boots, an expertly cut Oxford shirt, or a comfortable pair of blue jeans. You can get all of that and more at Huckberry.
No brand within Huckberry’s well-stocked arsenal personifies that approach quite like Flint and Tinder. Huckberry acquired Flint and Tinder in 2016; the rest is history (at least, as far as my wardrobe is concerned). Flint and Tinder’s aesthetic DNA rests somewhere between, say, Filson and J. Crew—its waxed trucker jacket is Huckberry’s bestselling product of all time, with the cut of a traditional denim jacket and the weather-ready performance of a waxed cotton jacket. They nod to the past while still making gear for guys in the city, the country, and beyond.
I already find the waxed trucker jacket to be a closet essential in brisk weather: Casually cool, available in a vast range of rich and neutral colors, lined with warm flannel, and finished with durable hardware. It’s fit for a rock concert and dive bar beers (on the same night, of course), and the two I own have only gotten better with age.
Flint & Tinder Stretch Ripstop Waxed Field Jacket
This brings me to my favorite new Flint and Tinder product: The Flint and Tinder Stretch Ripstop Field Jacket, which makes any outfit look instantly more rugged, elevated, and stylish.
Buy Flint & Tinder Stretch Ripstop Waxed Field Jacket at Huckberry, $198
While its waxed trucker jacket plays off old-school versions worn on the open road, the field jacket version nods to military styling, delivering every bit as much utility. I love the fact that the field jacket boasts more (and larger) pockets for my everyday carry. Plus, the eight-ounce waxed canvas shell is supple yet strong, and it’s a touch heavier (by one ounce) compared to its waxed trucker jacket counterpart. I also appreciate that the waxed exterior is sturdy without feeling overly stiff. It also happens to be the first F&T jacket made with actual stretch material, which is a nice bonus that makes it easy to move around in while wearing.
The blanket flannel lining extends through the sleeves and body for added warmth, and it’s quite soft, all the while feeling a touch heavier than the polyester lining of my waxed trucker jacket. And as with other Huckberry creations, the custom Flint and Tinder hardware feels durable without being overly bulky—there’s a satisfying snap to the pockets of this jacket.
Overall, it’s a highly distinct option as far as field jackets are concerned—the ripstop exterior is more durable and weather-ready than a traditional 100 percent cotton jacket. I also love the khaki color in particular, and it’s already started to develop a nice patina. If you’re looking for a lighter-weight jacket for transitional weather, I couldn’t recommend Flint and Tinder’s new jacket enough.
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This Is the Best Jacket I Own by a Long Shot
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