Florida courts could allow 'emergency' custody of kids with trans parents or siblings — even if they live in another state

A billboard that says "Florida: The 'Don't Say Gay or Trans' State."
A new billboard welcoming visitors to "Florida: The Sunshine 'Don't Say Gay or Trans' State' is seen on April 21, 2022, in Winter Park, Florida.John Raoux/AP
  • A proposed Florida bill would grant disapproving parents emergency custody of their kids if they seek gender-affirming care.

  • The bill, introduced Friday, would also allow the courts to modify out-of-state custody agreements.

  • The bill would grant officials authority under the law that protects kids from domestic violence.

A proposed bill making its way through the Florida State Senate would allow disapproving parents to take "emergency jurisdiction" over their children if the minor receives or is "at risk of" receiving gender-affirming care — or if their custodial parent receives it themselves.

Senate Bill 254, introduced Friday by State Senator Clay Yarborough, would grant a petitioning parent authority to take emergency custody of their kids under the same statute that protects them from domestic violence and abuse.

The disapproving parent could take temporary custody of children if "it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child" is "at risk of or is being subjected to the provision of sex reassignment prescriptions or procedures," according to the proposed bill text.

While Yarborough's office maintains that the changes to existing law made by the proposed bill would not apply to a transitioning parent, a legal expert on LGBTQ legislation told Insider the bill as written is extremely broad and could be applied to circumstances where a parent or sibling is transitioning.

"There's a possibility this could even be read that even if it's a parent who is transitioning, the law could apply," Alejandra Caraballo, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic and former staff attorney at the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, told Insider.

The law, currently intended to be able to protect children if their parent is in an abusive relationship, if rewritten would define the child living with a trans parent or sibling, without receiving gender-affirming care themselves, as abuse.

"It's not that out there that they could remove custody of a child because the parent is transitioning," Caraballo said,  "Especially with the way that they view this as a quote unquote 'social contagion' and they may try to say that the sibling transitioning would be a risk to the other child. I could easily see them making an argument there."

The proposed bill defines sex reassignment prescriptions or procedures as hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and surgeries or procedures that "affirm a person's perception of his or her sex if that perception is inconsistent with the person's sex" at birth.

A Reuters investigation found that, as of 2021, fewer than 1,500 youth in the United States under the age of 17 were taking physician-prescribed puberty blockers, and fewer than 4,500 on hormone therapies. Less than 300 received mastectomies or "top surgery," and only 56 youth under the age of 17 have received gender-affirming "bottom" or genital surgery.

While rates of diagnosed gender dysphoria have increased in recent years, Reuters reported, treatments remain rare and limited to children who have begun puberty and older. In treatment guidelines issued last year, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health noted that evidence of trans people regretting their transition is extremely rare.

Representatives for Yarborough's office told Insider current law regarding gender affirming procedures performed on cisgender minors — such as a cisgender teen boy who has a procedure to reduce "inappropriate" breast tissue growth, or limb-lengthening surgery to more closely adhere to gender expectations, or a cisgender teen girl who gets a nose job or breast augmentation – would not be changed by this bill.

The court would also be granted "jurisdiction to vacate, stay, or modify a child custody determination of a court of another state to protect the child from the risk of being subjected to the provision of sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures," according to the proposed bill text.

"With the exception of extreme circumstances, custody arrangements typically respect the rights of both parents to be involved in major decisions and events in a child's life," Senator Yarborough said in a statement emailed to Insider. "If one parent is attempting to authorize drastic, life-altering gender dysphoria therapies and surgeries that would forever change the life of a young child, then by all means the other parent should have legal recourse."

Caraballo told Insider that, instead of being appropriate legal recourse for concerned parents, the proposed law would allow "legal kidnapping" of trans kids and is part of a "full on war" against trans people in the state of Florida.

"This is a greenlight to transphobic family members to engage in state sponsored kidnapping," Caraballo tweeted about the law, adding: "A transphobic parent could kidnap their trans child in violation of custody agreements and abscond to Florida and be protected by Florida law under this despite likely committing felony kidnapping in their home state."

Senator Yarborough's statement to Insider added that "criticisms of the bill related to kidnapping are inaccurate and misleading," because the bill would expand established custody law to include providing gender-affirming care among other types of "unjustifiable conduct," therefore allowing disapproving parents to legally take custody of their trans children.

Caraballo told Insider the bill has the potential to cause interstate custody battles that could wind up challenged in the highest courts of the land — for example, if a parent petitioned to take control of their trans child from the state of Florida and their petition conflicted with laws in less restrictive states like California, the Californian parent could press charges, prompting a court battle that could escalate to the Governors of the states or even to the Supreme Court.

"They're essentially allowing someone to remove a child from another state with no consequence," Caraballo said. "And then if the other state decides to place criminal consequences on that, it could result in severe tension and a fight between multiple states."

But SB254 is not the only anti-trans law making its way through Florida's government in part of what Caraballo called an "absolutely barbaric" attack on trans people aimed to help strengthen Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' political career, akin to when a rash of same-sex marriage bans passed shortly before George W. Bush was elected.

"This is all about politics, and this is all about bolstering DeSantis' run for the presidency," Caraballo said. "You see Mike Pence spending a million dollars on messaging about trans issues, or Trump essentially saying that he would weaponize the entire federal government to end all legal recognition of trans people if he were to be reelected. And I think what you're seeing is essentially a race to the bottom in terms of the sheer level of depravity and animus and hatred that they can exhibit and just plain cruelty that they can exhibit towards trans people."

Florida House Representatives Randy Fine and Ralph Massullo proposed a separate bill on Friday that, if passed, would make it illegal for doctors to provide gender-affirming care including puberty blockers and hormone therapy to minors and severely limit access for trans adults, local news outlet Click Orlando reported.

Last month, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis requested public entities, including hospitals and universities, provide a breakdown of the medical data of patients who received gender-affirming care at their institutions. Students from public universities walked off campus in protest.

The state has seen an increase in anti-LGBTQ bill proposals and laws in recent years, including DeSantis' controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill, which limits how teachers may instruct about sexual orientation and gender identity.

Representatives for DeSantis declined to comment on SB 254 until it makes its way to the Governor's desk. They did not answer Insider's additional questions regarding anti-trans legislation in the state.

"Long term this could be a temporary setback in terms of the bills that are passed," Caraballo told Insider, referring back to the 2004 push for gay marriage bans that were eventually overturned in 2015 when the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges made marriage equality the law of the land. "But I think long term, you know, they are on the losing side of this issue."

Read the original article on Business Insider