Florida kids, age 10 and 11, took mom’s car for a wild ride. How cops put on the brakes

Two elementary age siblings went on a wild — and dangerous — adventure in northern Florida on Thursday, according to authorities.

According to a Facebook post from the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, at around 3:50 a.m., deputies conducted a “high risk traffic stop” on a white sedan on Interstate 75 in the city of Alachua, about 15 miles north of Gainesville. The car had been reported stolen out of North Port, about 200 miles south.

“Much to their surprise,” deputies saw a 10-year-old-boy driver exit the car from the driver’s seat, along with his 11-year-old sister, the passenger.

The kids had been reported as missing to the North Port Police Department. The stolen vehicle belonged to their mother, who was immediately contacted. The unidentified woman then hit the road for three hours to pick up the children.

Official pictures on the Facebook post show the two children with their hands up in surrender.

The mother declined to press charges.