Former councillor Kim Krushell joins Mike Nickel in mayoralty race

Former Edmonton city councillor Kim Krushell will be running for mayor in this fall's civic election.

Krushell was a city councillor for Ward 2, now named Anirniq, for three consecutive terms until she stepped down in 2013 to spend more time with her family.

"I have just completed filing my nomination papers and I am running to be your next mayor," she said, standing in front of the city hall.

Krushell said she believes in a balanced approach and data-driven decision-making.

She will engage with residents, communities, businesses and stakeholders over the next few months toward building "an informed and thoughtful plan that will move our city forward on three main fronts; economic recovery and innovation; course services and maintenance and support for those most vulnerable," she said.

She highlighted some of her work as a city councillor including the closing of the Edmonton City Centre airport, now the community of Blatchford, in 2010.

"I negotiated and worked on the U-pass. I led the charge on a program that I was really passionate about because of my experience, which was the need for neighborhood renewal … and I have to say, that program is doing really well today," she said.

Alongside former councillor Michael Phair, Krushell also created Edmonton's NextGen, a task force created to conduct public consultations on arts and culture, business opportunities, sports and education in the city.

In 2013, Krushell told CBC News she had considered running for mayor but decided against it after looking at the hours.

" I looked at [then-mayor Stephen Mandel's] schedule, and I just said, 'No.' I love our city, I love the issues. And I don't mind doing functions, but when it's five a night, that would be pushing it for me," she said.

Coun. Mike Nickel announces candidacy

Mike Nickel, current city councillor for Ward Karhiio, also put his name in the hat for the mayoral race.

"A lot of people have been chasing me for about a year and a half now and basically saying I've got to run for mayor," he told CBC's Edmonton AM.

Nickel said he believes in term limits and was hoping to be done after serving two terms but after having a discussion with his wife, decided to run again.

"We just said the city needs a course correction. If we just keep going where we're going, we just can't sustain it. And so that's why I'm throwing my hat in."

He said he is running on a platform focused on jobs and the economy. He said the municipal government has the tools to make that happen, although he did not clarify what the tools were.

He also plans on getting rid of a lot of middle management at the city, he said.

"During the budget process, one of our unions came forward and showed how many levels of management we have and they were arguing ... that if we had two layers of middle management, we could save up to $50 million a year," he said.

His plans also include the creation of an independent project management office separate from city administration, that the city council would oversee.

"It's well known that we're having great problems in the city with building things," he said. "What we really need to do is we need to separate out delivery and the people who are actually designing it."

He also spoke against what he called "downtown-centric policies and spends" such as the funicular or bike lanes.

"I think it's time for everyone else to get a turn. I think the suburbs need some loving, he said.

Other mayoral candidates include Cheryll Watson, former vice president of Innovate Edmonton and Diana Steele, president of Crestwood Community League.