Former N.W.T. MLA charged with assault

A file photo of Steve Norn, taken in the Legislative Assembly in 2019.  (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada - image credit)
A file photo of Steve Norn, taken in the Legislative Assembly in 2019. (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada - image credit)

A former Northwest Territories MLA has been charged with assault.

According to court documents, Steve Norn is accused of assaulting a person in Yellowknife on Nov. 26. The charge was laid on Jan. 9. Norn was released after promising to appear in court when required.

The 46-year-old made a brief first appearance in court on Tuesday. He has yet to retain a lawyer, according to the prosecutor.

Norn created controversy during his two years in the legislature. His time as an MLA for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh ended in November 2021, when he was expelled slightly more than halfway through his four-year term. MLAs voted him out after he was caught violating COVID-19 isolation rules.

He was later find $1,380 for visiting the Legislative Assembly when he was supposed to be self-isolating, in violation of public health orders at the time.

Norn's next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 24.